Tanzania aspires to become a middle-income country by 2025 through a push for increased industrialization for economic transformation and human development. In doing so, the government underlines the importance of good governance and the rule of law, as well as peace and stability, in creating wealth and sharing benefits, emphasizing that people must be empowered to hold leaders and public servants accountable for their performance (Tanzania Development Vision 2025). In working with Tanzania to achieve this aspiration, the UN combined, and UNDP as the main agency in this outcome, brings a strong record of supporting the country to improve democratic governance, through specialized expertise and international good practices and networks.
The United Nations Development Assistance Plan (UNDAP II) is a successor business plan of 20 UN agencies, funds and programmes in Tanzania for the period 2016-2021. The five-year plan supports the achievement of the international development goals including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), national development priorities including the FYDP II, and the realization of international obligations including human rights, UPR and Treaty body recommendations. The programme focuses on strengthening country systems, policies and processes for the fulfilment of human rights and pro-poor growth. Four Thematic Results Groups (TRGs) have been established including on Sustainable and equitable Growth; Democratic Governance, Human Rights and Gender Equality; Healthy Nation and Resilience. In addition, there is the Zanzibar Coordination Group. The TRGs are the interagency groups responsible for the coordination of the implementation of the agreed twelve (12) UNDAP II outcomes. The Governance TRG has three Outcome groups namely;
- Democratic Governance, human rights and gender equality led by UNDP
- Women’s political participation and leadership led by UNWOMEN
- Violence against women and children, led by UNICEF
UNDP is leading the Outcome group on Democratic Governance, Human Rights and Gender Equality. Each Outcome Group is a UN Forum for: Discussion and provision of technical guidance; Interfacing with relevant government line ministry/sector; Linking the UN Outcome groups with other relevant sector dialogue structure, for e.g. DPGs; Developing UN joint response of critical issues relevant to the outcome group; Promoting Joint efforts: implementation, resources mobilization and advocacy; and demonstrating the engagement of Zanzibar and the UN Non-Resident Agencies (NRAs) in the discussions and deliberations. The UNDAP II Democratic Governance, Human Rights and Gender Equality Outcome group consists of focal persons from ten (8) participating UN Agencies, including the ILO, IOM, UN Women, UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF and OHCHR.
In addition to supporting the implementation of the UNDAP II, UNDP’s interventions in Tanzania, are fully aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that promotes, among others, the realization of human rights of all and emphasizes the need to promote gender equality, reduce factors perpetuating inequalities, promote peaceful and inclusive societies and, access to justice for all through effective and accountable institutions. The Government of Tanzania has adopted national development priorities which reinforces the achievement of the SDGs as evident in a number of significant policy strategies, including the Medium-Term Strategy (MTS) and Action Plan; the National Human Rights Action Plan (NHRAP); the Judiciary Strategic Plan (JSP) 2015–2020; and the Child Justice Five Years Strategy (CGFYS) 2013-2017. Over the past 10 years, the Government with support from development partners has embarked on several strategic initiatives which have been designed to reform the legal and justice sector and strengthen human rights’ promotion and protection mechanisms for the most marginalized groups of the society, particularly women and children.
In this vein, the Access to Justice and Human Rights Programme contributes to Output 2 of the Country Programme Action Plan (2016 – 2020) in pursuing initiatives which contributes to citizens enjoying “improved access and are better served by the justice system and human rights reporting.” To achieve this result, the Programme has two active projects which are being implemented on the Mainland and in Zanzibar while pipeline initiatives are being developed. The institutions involved in the implementation of the Programme include the Ministry of Constitutional and Legal Affairs (MoCLA) as Implementing Partner (IP) and the following as responsible parties (RP): The Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG), and the National Prosecution Service (NPS).
UNDP Tanzania now seeks a Technical Specialist to provide technical advisory and management services to the Access to Justice and Human Rights Programme as well as coordinate the Governance, Human Rights and Gender Equality Outcome Group