Accounts Assistant United African Univerisity of Tanzania (UAUT) Tanzania
Job Type: Full-Time
Closing Date: 30th October 2023
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


THE UNITED AFRICAN UNIVERSITY OF TANZANIA (UAUT) is a private Higher Learning Institution founded by the Registered Trustees of Korea Church Mission (KCM),with the objective of alleviating poverty and promoting growth through raising Tanzanian Christian leaders who are equipped with excellence in wisdom, knowledge and Christian virtues.The responsibility of the day to day running of UAUT is vested upon the University Council with the Vice Chancellor as the main link between the Board ofTrustees and University Council.

UAUT obtained The Certificate of Full Registration (CFR) from Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) since 2012.

Vision: We aim, in God’s direction, to equip students with Integrity and Excellence.

Mission: Pursuing God’s Wisdom, Serving Communities, and Cultivating Global Minds.


VACANT POSITION in the Accounting & Finance Department






Duties and responsibilities

Remuneration: Negotiable as per UAUT Terms and Conditions


How to apply:

Send your detailed CV, Cover letter, Certificates (PDF) and Testimonials if any to: copy to or visit our website

Deadline 15th August 2020