Job Description: Olam COPE Officer will answer to a matrix reporting structure where operational decisions will be made in consultation of the Coffee Branch Manager for Tanzania and monitoring and evaluation aspects will be delivered under the guidance of the Environmental and Social Manager for Tanzania. Olam COPE shall act as the main focal point in the implementation of Olam Coffee Outgrowing Programme (COP) in Kagera Region through:
a. Sensitizing villages on new Olam COP initiatives
b. Facilitating the creation of farmers groups.
c. Developing, reviewing & improving Olam modules (12) of Robusta production Good Agriculture Practices (GAP);
d. Elaborating and implementing a training schedule for the group lead farmers (2 lead farmers per group);
e. Registering all farmers involved in Olam COP;
f. Appropriate monitoring of proper divulgation of GAP from lead farmers to farmers;
g. Assisting in the demarcation of Demonstration Plots (1 for each lead farmer);
h. Coordinating with other implementing partners (Aga Khan Foundation, National Beekeeping Supplies, Yara, TaCri, Local Authorities) on the COP;
i. Assisting in the establishment of 5 group-based nurseries;
j. Ensuring proper data collection of all information required by the M&E programme of the CPT partners;
k. Ensuring timely completion of Olam COP Milestones.
l. Permanently sharing with farmers Olam’s global standards about social, environmental and H&S aspects;
m. Maintaining a quality of work in line with Olam’s global standards in regards of social, environmental and health & safety aspects;
n. Remaining available focal contact point for farmers involved in Olam COP;
o. Defining well-functioning communication channel between coffee farmers and Olam in order to adequately address issues and challenges identified during implementation;
p. Maintaining proper control of expenses and budgets that are fixed for Olam COP;
q. Regularly and accurately reporting (focus on the quality of content) on progress towards COP objectives.
Expected Quality to demonstrate in this position:
Salary & Benefits: The applicant shall be looking at the following:
Location: The position is appointed in the Kagera Region (Missenyi, Muleba, Karagwe and Kyerwa district)
Employment Conditions: the selected candidate would be offered a position of Junior Officer for a fixed-term contract of 6 months, renewable or for a longer period.
Application: must provide Cv, Copies of Diplomas & Certificates, Letter of Application and any supporting References to the email,