Digital Development Specialist Plan International Tanzania
Job Type: Full-Time
Closing Date: 30th October 2023
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Plan International Tanzania with funding from StatOil Norway and in collaboration with Plan Norway and Plan Region of Eastern and Southern Africa (RESA) intends to implement the A Working Future (AWF) project in Mwanza, Tanzania.

The AWF is an innovative youth employment project to be piloted for 12 months in Mwanza region (Ilemela and Nyamagana districts), Tanzania before replicating and scaling it up to other regions / districts in Tanzania. The AWF approaches the youth employment challenge from a systemic stance by addressing various dimensions and levels simultaneously such as individual skills; personal views and behavior patterns; adverse societal norms and practices that hinder youth empowerment, especially young women; as well as formal rules and regulations.

The project aims to empower youth, especially young women, to save and borrow through informal saving group practices, equip them with necessary skills and knowledge, link youth to private sector economic opportunities, and introduces digital tools as project “enablers” to youth, saving groups and financial service providers. The needs-based development of digital tools for project implementation is a key component of the AWF. Digital solutions should feature prominently for enhance saving group operations, project data collection as well as interface creation between service providers and clients.

In order to deliver on the above assignment, the AWF Digital Development Specialist works under the direct supervision of the Senior Programme Manager in Dar es Salaam at the Country Office (CO) (full-time).

Plan International Tanzania now invites applications from suitable, qualified and experienced persons for a project Digital Development Specialist (DDS) position. Duration of assignment will be 12 months starting December 2017 with possibility of extension upon satisfactory performance and availability of funding.

Dimensions of Role:
The AWF Digital Development Specialist (DDS) will report to the Senior Programme Manager (SPM) during the assignment.
The DDM will independently lead the implementation of all activities of the AWF in relation to digital enablement / development (as outlined below).
She/he will supervise various digital implementation partners (including Community-Based Trainers and Coaches) and or individual digital short-term consultants, work closely with the Project Coordinator based in Mwanza, Plan Programme Unit (PU) staff, especially Community Development Facilitators and the Programme Unit Manager (PUM), local government officials (in close coordination with SPM and PUM), the private sector and its representatives (e.g. financial institutions, mobile network operators) as well as any other stakeholder of relevance to the successful implementation of the project.
She/he ensures delivery, monitoring and evaluation of all digital activities and related outputs as per Results Framework and Implementation Plan

Key Deliverables
• Lead overall AWF project implementation on all aspects of digital development, digital enablement, digital partnerships, data collection
• Develop and maintain a positive relationship and clear communication with all Implementing Partners, the local government authorities (LGA) and other development partners and relevant stakeholders
• Lead the development and constant updating / upgrading of digital tools
• Represent the AWF on digital issues including but not limited to Forums, roundtables, workshops, seminars
• Identify and engage together with SPM potential digital Implementation Partners for digital component implementation and advancement
• Identification and engagement of mobile network operators (MNO) (in close cooperation and coordination with SPM, PC and Digital Implementation Partner
• Identification and engagement of financial service providers (FSP) (in close cooperation and coordination with SPM, PC and Digital Implementation Partner [if applicable]): Assess FSP operating model with focus on digital enablement
• Lead and engage in project baseline development together with Project Coordination (PC) and SPM and explore digital tool applicability
• Support project Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) though digitally collected data
• Oversee AWF budget expenditures on digital issues
• Supervise and monitor the digital Implementation Partner’s (IP) performance according to ToR during project implementation
• Regularly update and inform the SPM on relevant project implementation matters with regard to digital enablement
• Engagement with Community-based Trainers (CBT) and Coaches as well as youth savings group members and supervise digital tool development, usage, and continuous adaptation
• Prepare together with digital Implementation Partners regular briefing notes (at least quarterly) to different stakeholders

Knowledge and skills:
Superior computer proficiency skills
Superior conceptual and analytical skills
Demonstrated knowledge of digital development such as digital tool (e.g. for learning, banking, interface creation, etc.) a must
Knowledge of Human-centred Design (HCD) and Agile Design Methodologies a strong asset
Demonstrated experience in data collection, design and modelling by applying user-centered design principles
Understanding of fundamental design principles behind a scalable application
Strong skills to work effectively with digital developers and programmers (e.g. for tool development)
Experience with back-end programming languages (HTML, PHP, CSS, Java, .NET, JavaScript, MYSQL) a strong asset
Deep knowledge of digital ecosystem (actors, policies, approaches) in Tanzania, Kenya, East Africa a strong asset
Strong command of English and Kiswahili
Experience in Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) data collection and reporting an asset
Strong communication and presentation skills
Knowledge of private sector operations (challenges, needs, risks) an asset
Knowledge of financial service providers operations, tools, needs in Tanzania and beyond critical
Excellent coordination, planning and design skills