Management and Development for Health (MDH) is a non-profit organization in Tanzania contributing to addressing public health priorities. MDH works with the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly, and Children; as well as academic and non-academic institutions to address the problems of Tuberculosis, Malaria, HIV/AIDS, Nutrition, Maternal, and Child Health and to undertake initiatives to advance public health research, education, and services for improving the lives of people.
In Dar es Salaam, MDH supports the Government of Tanzania through the Municipal councils of Ilala, Temeke, Kinondoni, Ubungo and Kigamboni in the implementation of the program on HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment and monitoring of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). In order to strengthen the care and treatment of PLWHA in Dar es Salaam, MDH on behalf of Kinondoni Municipal Council seeks to employ the DISTRICT RETENTION AND LINKAGE OFFICER for 10 months. HE/SHE will be reporting to the District AIDS Coordinator (DAC).
District Retention and Linkage Officer provide technical expertise and support day to day implementation of retention and community linkage services in all supported health facilities within the Municipal. Furthermore, he/she will provide onsite hands-on training to all health care providers at the MDH supported facilities on counseling, tracking and linkage services which include linkage of PLHIV from HIV testing point, adherence counseling, tracking and PHDP.
1. Support day to day implementation of effective tracking and retention services to ensure 95% of on ART clients adhere to ART and clinic schedule.
2. Provide TA to clinical trackers and reduce 70% of the quarterly net loss and document best practices
3. Foster strong collaboration with community implementing partners and facilitate 95% of linkage to care for newly identified clients at community and facility setting
4. Provide technical support to health care providers on ART adherence counseling and enhanced adherence counseling for PLHIV with High VL
5. Support peer navigator/ CBHS plus to link all PLHIV diagnosed at community setting to care and foster proper documentation
6. Mentor and provide TA to health providers to ensure successful referral and re-engaged into care
7. Provide TA to health care providers on the management of STIs/RTIs, GBV and Cervical cancer including the availability of guideline, protocols and reporting tools; contract tracing and referral mechanism; availability and use of IEC material
8. Support provision of PHDP services designed to help PLHIV to live positively eg condom use, FP, prevention of transmission, sexual reproductive health and rights, adherence to ARV
9. Support health provider on early identification of missed appointment
10. Ensure tracking of CTC/PMTCT/ TBHIV clients is done properly at the facilities
11. Support sites to understand target, align their strategies and activities towards them and meet their set performance targets
12. Work with trackers and data officers to ensure timely update of tracking the outcome
13. Work with CHMT to ensure quality monthly reports for tracking and retention in care
14. Perform any other duties as will be assigned by the supervisor
Interested candidates should submit their application letters, CVs, Certified photocopies of certificates and names and contact information (email addresses and telephone numbers) of two references.
Applications should be submitted by 21st November 2018 to the HR Manager, MDH through email or drop by hand at our MDH Mikocheni Office near New Regency Park Hotel.
Please note; only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.