IITA-TZ-2022 – RAD-008 -NRS-DSM
The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) on behalf of the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) invites applications for the position of Herd Health Field Coordinator. The Herd Health Field Coordinator will contribute to research for development of livestock value chains in Tanzania under the One CGIAR “Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender Inclusion” (in short, “SAPLING”) Initiative implemented by ILRI, ICARDA and ABC- CIAT. SAPLING aims to enable 800,000 livestock producers – especially women and youth in 7 countries to engage in inclusive value chains and achieve sustainable productivity gains resulting in improved livelihoods.
Tanzania is one of seven focus countries identified as a priority given the importance of livestock in the livelihoods of its people and the commitment of public and private actors to transform food systems through sustainable livestock development. Smallholder dairy and poultry value chains have been selected as priority value chains in the country under the Initiative.
The Herd Health Field Coordinator will principally focus on piloting of integrated herd health initiatives in smallholder dairy, building on Maziwa Zaidi activities to catalyze enhanced uptake of proven dairy technology packages in pilot sites in Kilimanjaro and Tanga regions. The technology packages include delivery of bundled vaccine and artificial insemination services through inclusive business models involving empowered women and youth agripreneurs. Usage of information communication technology (ICT) or digital tools including mobile smartphone applications for farmer profiling and e-extension is envisaged.
Duty Station: This is a Nationally Recruited Position, and the incumbent will be based in Dra es Salaam, Tanzania
Bachelor’s degree in veterinary medicine and MSc in epidemiology, agribusiness, project management, economics or rural development
The duration of contract for the position is two years. This is a nationally recruited position and IITA offers a competitive remuneration package.
Applications including curriculum vitae, copies of certificates, telephone number, email address, and names and addresses of two referees should be sent to the Country Representative, IITA-Tanzania, Plot No. 25, Mwenge – Coca-Cola Road, Mikocheni Industrial Area P.0. Box 3A441, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania or by email to IITA-Tanzania@cgiar.org
Applicants are requested to please indicate the reference number for the position as indicated on the heading of the announcement in your application as well as on the subject of your email if sending by email. If sending by post or hand delivery, please indicate the reference number on your application as well as on the left-hand side of your envelope.
Please note that any applications without the reference number indicated will be automatically disqualified.
Closing date:
The deadline for submitting the application is 18 July 2022.
Please note that only shortlisted candidates will % be contacted.