i. To install, configure, and update antivirus software;
ii. To alert users on various security risks, threats and vulnerabilities;
iii. To perform systems audit on regular basis;
iv. To implement security mechanisms and controls;
v. To identify, assess and reduce ICT related risk within levels of tolerance set by Authority;
vi. To define, operate and monitor system for information security management;
vii. To design and maintain methods for effective ICT related risk identification analysis and reporting;
viii. To carry out inventory of risk and risk attributes (including expected frequency potential impact and responses) and of related resources, capabilities and current control activities;
ix. To provide information on the current state of ICT- related exposures and opportunities to stakeholders for appropriate response;
x. To design and maintain information security management system (ISMS) that provides a standards formal approach to security management for information;
xi. To maintain an information security plan and strategy for management of ICT risks;
xii. To monitor procedures for preventive, detective and corrective measures across the Authority;
xiii. To protect information systems and technology from malware (e.g. viruses, worms, spyware and spam) and over all methods of connectivity;
xiv. To provide the definition, operation and monitoring of a system for information security management;
xv. To plan and implement disaster recovery in accordance with the ICT Business Continuity Plan; and
xvi. To perform any other duties as may be assigned by the Supervisor.
Bachelor Degree or Advanced Diploma in one of the following fields: Computer Science, Information and Communications Technology, Software Engineering, Systems Engineering, System Security, Network Administration, Database Administration or equivalent qualifications from recognized Institutions.