MUCOBA Bank PLC, formerly known as Mufindi Community Bank LTD (MuCoBa) is the oldest community bank in Tanzania that was incorporated in December 1998 and licensed by Bank of Tanzania (BOT) in May 1999 to offer banking services to the communities of Mufindi and neighbouring districts. It opened its doors to the public in June 1999. The Bank, with its Head Office in Mafinga, offers banking services to the community of Iringa region and its neighbouring region of Mbeya at Mbalali District.
Mucoba Bank Pic is now inviting applications from suitable candidates for the under mentioned positions:
Insurance Officers (1 posts)
The following shall be the main duties and responsibilities to be accomplished by a successful candidate on day to day:
A competitive remuneration package will be offered to qualified candidates depending on their qualifications and experience
The selected candidate should be committed and ready to work in rural areas
Application letters with CV, copies of relevant certificates and contacts of at least three referees should be sent to the undersigned, by not later that one week from the date of advertisement, to the following address:
P.O.BOX 147
OR via the email below:
Applications sent through email should be in PDF format.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted