Junior Advisor Renewable Energy SNV Mwanza
Job Type: Full-Time
Closing Date: 30th October 2023
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

SNV is a not-for-profit international development organisation. Founded in the Netherlands 50 years ago, we have built a long-term, local presence in 39 of the poorest countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our global team of local and international advisors works with local partners to equip communities, businesses, and organisations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development.

The overall goal of SNV’s engagement in the Renewable Energy sector in Tanzania is to contribute to improve the livelihoods of the rural and peri-urban people by accelerating the dissemination and use of renewable energy products and services. SNV Tanzania is involved in three renewable energy sub-sectors: Domestic Biogas, Biomass Cooking Energy, and Solar with a variety of projects and cross-cutting initiatives.

SNV is the implementing agency for the Energising Development (EnDev) program in Tanzania. EnDev Tanzania focuses on two key project components: the development of markets and sustainable supply for improved cookstoves (ICS) as well as for small plug-and-play solar (picoPV) technology in rural and peri-urban areas in the Lake Zone, Northern Zone and throughout the Central and Southern Zones of Tanzania.

SNV began implementation of the EnDev program in April of 2013 with the Tanzania Improved Cook Stoves (TICS) project. TICS works to build upon existing local ICS supply chains to initiate the production, distribution, and sales of clean and marketable ICS options that meet the need of rural households. The project works closely with existing stove entrepreneurs to realise improved performance, quality, and marketability of cookstove options. Through regular and verifiable sales monitoring undertaken by the program, emerging ‘cook stove champions’ are identified and availed access to advanced and individualized products and services in business development, marketing, and production scaling.

In early 2014, the EnDev programme in Tanzania has expanded to support the establishment of a rural market for picoPV systems using a Results-Based Financing (RBF) approach that avails financial incentives to quality solar distributors upon the verified sales of Lighting Global approved solar products to rural consumers. The component aims to improve market access to pre-electrification pico-solar devices for rural and off-grid households in the Lake Zone while scaling to the Central Zone is foreseen in the course of 2016. Increased last-mile distribution of these pico-solar products and services is to be achieved via strengthened ties between import-suppliers and retailers/agents. To these ends, EnDev established a temporary financial product with Tanzania Investment Bank (TIB) to provide post-sales incentives to solar companies actively engaged in distribution chain development.

Performance-based approaches employed in the EnDev Tanzania programme are an innovative way to unlock the potential of local entrepreneurs by providing them the means and flexibility to make rural markets work. However, clear monitoring and evaluation practices extending to verifiable and auditable results documentation are required to ensure the equitable and effective delivery of all performance-based supports that are provided throughout the programme. At the same time, EnDev intends to orient its interventions based on a solid understanding of the context on the ground, for which market intelligence research is a critical element of the programme. To strengthen the EnDev Tanzania programme as it continues to geographically scale in new rural markets, SNV is seeking to recruit one (1) junior advisor to consolidate and extend technical assistance for Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting, Verification and Auditing (MERVA) throughout the EnDev country programme as a whole. The junior advisors will form part of the EnDev project team which is currently based in Mwanza, Arusha and Dar es Salaam with increasing activities are foreseen in the Central and Western Tanzania.

● Support the refinement of data collection tools, practices employed, and documentation produced in the EnDev programme’s broader expansion throughout Tanzania to lend greater nuance to employment-income related impacts and facilitate documentation on non-monetized incentive achievement thresholds.

● Development and application of gender-sensitive renewable energy SME business strategies, training materials and capacity development services, for introduction and use of alternative sources of clean energy and sustainable and efficient production methods, including ICS and solar solutions.

● Actively participate in setup of the M&E framework, operational planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, reporting, communication and knowledge development activities.

● Market intelligence research, including an assessment of available sustainable and/or renewable energy sources technologies and service providers, analyzing demand and capacity to pay for these technologies, and relevant enabling environment factors.

● Support analysis and verification of reports received from the enterprise that participate in the EnDev projects, with specific coordination to performance-based supports; continuous monitoring, analysis, and documentation of verified results.


Desired Skills and attitude

Contract duration: 12 months with a possibility for extension.

Desired start date: 1st April 2018.

Duty station(s): Mwanza, Tanzania

Please send your application letter and CV, together with an indication of your current salary and compensation package, to TanzaniaHR@snv.org before February 28th, 2018.
Working at SNV
SNV offers a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. We offer a challenging work environment, opportunities to lead and innovate, and a commitment to growing your skills in a fulfilling and diverse working environment.