The specialist will execute a dual but strongly inter-related function. He/she will be responsible for implementing the M&E plan of the project, developing relevant M&E tracking systems for the project, and supporting all project staff and partners in monitoring progress on project implementation. He/she particularly focuses on the documentation of lessons learnt and the appropriate communication of project results and learning. The M&E and Communications Specialist reports to the Project Manager
Specialist will provide M&E expertise in the development and implementation of the M&E Plan for the project, assist in building the capacities of project staff and cooperating institutions and agencies to ensure that data quality standards are monitored, met and reported on a timely manner as per project Results Framework. This includes ensuring collection, analysis and reporting on sex-disaggregated and gender-responsive data. The M&E Specialist will lead in identifying M&E technical needs of the project and make appropriate recommendations to MNRT/UNDP and relevant agencies cooperating with the project including the Global Wildlife Programme that ensures all planned outcomes and outputs are achieved, tracked, and reported. Lessons learned need to be captured, documented and disseminated broadly.
The M&E Specialist will provide technical input to the implementation of activities with socio-economic bearing to achieve project outputs, and outcomes. Particularly, the M&E specialist shall ensure that all innovative activities are based on good socio-economic models and can be quantifiable to show the anticipated changes. The results of the project outputs and outcomes shall be captured, documented, and disseminated in technical reports and publications. Working with the Project TA, and technical officers mainly from conservation agencies (TANAPA , TAWA , NCAA , TFS ).
Institutional Arrangement;
Under the guidance of the MNRT and the Project Management Unit in consultation with UNDP, the M&E Specialist will be part of the Project Management Unit (PMU). The M&E specialist will report to the Director of Wildlife through the Project Coordinator as well as to UNDP country office for all project’s substantive M&E related issues. S(he) shall from time to time report to the Regional Coordination Unit based in Addis, particularly during the project reporting to the GEF.
At the UNDP Country Office level, the M&E Specialist will report directly to the Head of Programme through the Programme Specialist responsible for Environment, Climate Change and Resilience Pillar.