Nutrition Adviser - Remote VSO Kigoma
Job Type: Full-Time
Closing Date: 30th October 2023
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Role Overview 

The Nutrition adviser will provide technical advice to the Regional Health Management Team (RHMT), Council Health Management Teams (CHMT’s) Nutrition Committees at the regional and district levels and health care workers on how improve individual behavior and household practices, promotion of collective actions in communities and creating enabling environment for good nutrition outcomes. 

The volunteer will focus on developing sustainable nutrition interventions which involve social behavioral change and communication (SBCC) approach in health facilities and community in Kigoma region 

Skills, Qualifications And Experience 

Allowance and accommodation 

All volunteers have an allowance paid in local currency. The allowance meets reasonable living expenses in country, but will not be enough to send money home. 

VSO works with some of the poorest communities in the world which means accommodation varies and will be basic. 

VSO is the world's leading development organisation that works through volunteers to fight poverty. We are unique in the way we bring people together to share their skills and experience, generate insights and ideas and, most of all, take action against poverty and exclusion. It's a highly effective approach that works, and today is helping millions of people in some of the world's poorest communities lift themselves out of poverty.