Operations Officer World Wide Fund For Nature(WWF) Arusha, Tanzania
Job Type: Full-Time
Closing Date: 30th October 2023
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Project title: Southern Kenya-Northern Tanzania Transboundary Program
Position title: Operations Officer
Reports to: SOKNOT Program Coordinator/(Operations Manager-dotted line)
Location: WWF Arusha Office 

The Role

With its        “Southern        Kenya-Northern          Tanzania           Transboundary            Program           (SOKNOTUNGANISHA)” WWF is implementing a multi-sectoral conservation strategy to secure important wildlife migration corridors and habitat between protected areas in the Kenyan-Tanzanian border region, reaching from the areas surrounding Mara-Serengeti in the west to Tsavo-Mkomasi in the East.  

With this strategy the program plans to achieve the following four strategic objectives:  

  1. Poaching and illegal wildlife trade (IWT) of key wildlife species (elephant, rhino, lion, wild dog) and other selected threatened species (giraffe, cheetah, pangolin) are reduced, and the efforts are contributing to communities’ benefits.
  2. The destruction of key forest, grass-/rangeland, and freshwater resources in critical areas is reduced, ensuring free wildlife migration and dispersal, improved ecosystem flows, biodiversity, and community benefits


Led by the Kenyan and Tanzanian WWF Country offices, the program is coordinated through its WWF office in Arusha and implemented with Kenya and Tanzania country teams of technical experts and in close cooperation with local Government, NGO partners and the WWF network.





Knowledge and Qualification


Required Skills and Competencies


Mode of Application

Applications must include a cover letter & CV with full contact details of three referees. It should be addressed to the Head of People & Culture and submitted via email to hresources@wwftz.org by February 17, 2023. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and interviews will take place in Arusha. 

WWF has a principle of zero tolerance for fraud and corruption, if you encounter such an incident, then report by sending an email to fcci@wwftz.org