Procurement Technical Specialist PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited(PwC) Tanzania
Job Type: Full-Time
Closing Date: 30th October 2023
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited(PwC) Invites eligible candidates to indicate their interest to provide consultancy services as the Procurement Technical Specialist to support Global Affairs Canada(GAC) and field support services project(FSSP) Tanzania.

The Technical Specialist will provide support and advice to the department of foreign affairs, Trade and Development(DFATD) partners on the procurement aspect of the Government of Canada-funded development projects in Tanzania.

Candidates will be evaluated based on the following key qualifications and experience:

In addition to the key qualifications above, the incumbent is operated to demonstrate the following skills and competencies:

Interested candidates should obtain a detailed description of this consultancy by sending a request email to specifying in the request as follows: “Consultancy position for FSSP Procurement Technical Specialist.

Request for further information we received up to three working days prior to last submission date, 27 April 2018. Any request received later than that may not be responded to