As one of the original eight pilot countries for the UN Reform initiative Delivering as One, Tanzania is a global leader in advancing reforms of the UN system, with a view to support accelerated harmonization in implementation practices, coherence in programming, and alignment with national systems, intended to produce a reduction in transaction costs and enhanced development impact. The collaboration between the Government of Tanzania and UN agencies has led to the formulation the second UN Development Assistance Plan (UNDAP II). The UNDAP II aims to achieve transparency on the UN’s contribution to development outcomes as well as joint operational activities. In recent years, at the global level, the UN as whole has adapted a new cooperation framework namely United Nations Sustainable Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF). In Tanzania, the UNSDCF will be rolled out in July 2022. The UNSDCF seeks to consolidate the UN effort and member states to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Agenda 2030.
Deepening reform will require new and even more innovative ways for the UN agencies to work together to delivery on country priorities and SDGs through the UNDAP/UNSDCF. Programme planning, resource mobilization, evaluation, and review activities will to an increasing extent be done collaboratively. The roles of UN staff will change, with an imperative to adopt more proactive, adaptive, and facilitative working styles. Coordination and consultation will continue to be important, but the need for documenting results, pursuing efficiencies and value for money, and adding value through knowledge building and policy advisory support are ever greater. The international ODA context with reducing core resources to several UN programmes, funds and agencies further underscores the need for change in this direction. On the Operations side, there is a call for increased harmonization of UN policies, procedures and tools, possibly leading towards the establishment of a One UN Operations Team.
Under the overall guidance of the Resident Representative and under the direct supervision of the Deputy Resident Representative, the Programme Specialist leads the Inclusive Growth and Private Sector Development pillar/portfolio, ensures programmatic planning, guidance and oversight at the outcome and output levels of the UNDAP/UNSDCF and UNDP programmes consistent with UNDAP/UNSDCF priorities and the identification of creative responses to emerging challenges and opportunities. The Programme Specialist also applies substantive thematic and sector- specific best practices and provides strategic policy and development advisory services for the improved quality and impact of results. The Programme Specialist manages a substantial programme, portfolio and facilitates access by national partners to relevant policy, strategies and technical advice.
The Programme Specialist works in close collaboration with the Coordinator of Programmes, the other Programme Specialists and the Senior Advisors, the Project Management Support Team, Operations teams, programme staff in other UN Agencies, UNDP HQs staff and Government officials, multi-lateral and bi-lateral donors and civil society to successfully implement the UNDAP and Common Country Programme. The Programme Specialist oversees activities of the pillar including facilitation of implementation portfolio approaches and supervises staff members and project personnel under the inclusive Growth pillar.
By application of UNDP’s strategic themes and practice strategies, the Programme Specialist Inclusive Growth and Private Sector Development plays a key role in supporting the adoption of Human Development and pro-poor approaches into Tanzania’s economic development policies, sector and thematic strategies, and trade promotion activities.
Summary of Key Functions:
1. Contributes to the strategic direction of the UNDAP, UNSDCF and design of UNDP/joint UN programme interventions focusing on achievement of the following results:
2. Lead role in provision of top-quality policy and development advisory services to national partners focusing on achievement of the following results:
3. Substantive leadership, monitoring and coordination support to the implementation of the UNDAP/UNSDCF and the Delivering as One (DaO) initiative, focusing on achievement of the following:
4. Establishes and maintains strategic partnerships and supports the resource mobilization focusing on achievement of the following results:
5. Ensures facilitation of communication, dissemination, knowledge building and management focusing on achievement of the following results:
The key results have an impact on the overall success of the UN Reform in Tanzania and the Delivering as One initiative and achieving the UNDAP/UNSDCF and UNDP goals. In particular, the key results have an impact on the design, operation and programming of activities, creation of strategic partnerships as well as reaching resource mobilization targets.
People Management
Advocacy/Advancing A Policy-Oriented Agenda
Results-Based Programme Development and Management
Building Strategic Partnerships
Innovation and Marketing New Approaches
Resource Mobilization (Field Duty Stations)
Promoting Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing