Project manager GFCS pilot project - Expert Deployment/ NORCAP Norwegian Refugee Council(NRC) Tanzania
Job Type: Full-Time
Closing Date: 30th October 2023
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


Climate change will have devastating impacts on a range of sectors in Tanzania, if necessary precautions are not made. This GFCS pilot project in Tanzania aims to improve delivery of relevant, timely and high-quality climate information to those in need.

In this position, the project manager will be able to engage across a range of sectors, from different ministries to civil society to the national met office, to create modern services on weather and climate.


The World Meteorological Organization is leading the Global Framework for Climate Services initiative in collaboration with partners such as the Norwegian Refugee Council/NORCAP, the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Food Programme (WFP), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) and others.

The GFCS seeks to bring providers and users of climate services together, and build services that can reduce vulnerability and adapt to climate impacts in the areas of agriculture and food security, water, health, energy and disaster risk reduction.

Funded by Norad, GFCS Adaptation in Africa Phase II builds on Phase I and aims to further improve national and regional coordination in Malawi and Tanzania. The goal is to enhance the capacity of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS) to respond to extreme weather events and climate change. The implementation of Phase II is expected to improve climate services delivery for agriculture and food security, health, and disaster risk reduction.


The Project Manager will ensure that results are achieved through the delivery of the following activities:

  1. Complete an assessment to measure the technical, financial, and institutional sustainability of climate services delivery in Tanzania
  2. Engage with lead national, regional, and international stakeholders across relevant GFCS priority areas (agriculture and food security, health, and disaster risk reduction) to mainstream climate services into policy, planning, and development processes;
  3. Prepare and lead the inception workshop for Phase II in Tanzania, ensuring the active participation of relevant national and local stakeholders. Following the inception workshop, update the project document as necessary and share the final document with the project partners. It is essential that the inception workshop provides clear division of tasks and responsibilities amongst the project partners
  4. Support linkages between NMHS and the user communities to better fulfil aspirations of the user interface platform;
  5. Organize national consultation workshops on climate services to share experiences and identify gaps and key elements for the establishment of National Frameworks for Climate Services (NFCS)
  6. Train users and providers of climate services on the relevance of climate services for the NAPs, ensuring close integration with a training package on “Integrating Climate Information into NAPs” being developed by WMO, GFCS and UNITAR;
  7. Support coordination in advance of GPSC and PDT meetings and draft minutes of the meetings;
  8. Coordinate and develop knowledge products (news articles, social media feeds) to support knowledge management and to share lessons learned from the project; and
  9. Keep national and regional agencies and stakeholders informed about GFCS priority areas and activities.
  10. Search for and develop funding opportunities that can strengthen the sustainability of the project.

 Qualifications and required experience

Personal qualities

 Being a NORCAP expert gives you:

NORCAP missions:

On completion of this contract the specialist can be considered for further deployments through NORCAP membership

Practical Information:

Application procedures and CV registration: