Regional Program Coordinator Nutrition International Tanzania
Job Type: Full-Time
Closing Date: 30th October 2023
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


Nutrition International (NI) is an international not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the health and nutrition of the world’s most vulnerable – especially women and children. NI seeks to recruit three (3) Regional Program Coordinators (RPCs) to provide program oversight in the regions of Mwanza, Simiyu, and Tabora. The main role of the Regional Program Coordinators (RPCs) is to provide technical assistance to the Regional, Councils and Service Delivery Points (SDPs), oversee Workplan implementation and budget execution, act as a liaison officer between Councils in the regions, PORALG, NI Tanzania and partners, and to facilitate effective program implementation and advocacy. The RPC works closely with Regional Secretariat (mainly Regional Health Management Team, and Regional Multisectoral Nutrition Steering Committee); Councils (mainly Council Health Management Team, and Council Multisectoral Nutrition Steering Committees). The RPC will have the following qualifications: 





HOW TO APPLY: Interested applicants should forward their resume and cover letter indicating their region of interest to Tanzania@NUTRITIONINTL.ORG quoting Regional Program Coordinator – Region XXX” in the subject line. Applications close by Close of Business November 22nd, 2019.

1.0 Brief Summary

Over the next five years, NI Tanzania will be implementing its Country Strategy (2019-2024) with a focus on four main interventions, namely:


  1. Universal Salt Iodation (USI) - using “a consolidation approach” which will work in seven (7) out of fourteen (14) salt producing regions namely Lindi, Mtwara, Pwani, Dar Es Salaam, Tanga, Manyara and Simiyu region; covering only salt-producing councils; 
  2. Vitamin A Supplementation program (VAS) - continue providing in-kind Vitamin A Capsules for children aged 6 to 59 months country wide (Mainland and Zanzibar), to maintain good VAS coverages through Child Health and Nutrition Months (CHNM) as well as supporting regions to routinise VAS;
  3. Adolescent Nutrition involving Nutrition Education and Counselling along with the provision of Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation adolescent girls) currently implemented under Right Start (RS) initiative, and
  4. Maternal and Newborn Nutrition which focuses on the first “1000 Days” also under Right Start addressing update of Iron and Folic Acid (IFA) among pregnant women and Early Initiation and Exclusive breastfeeding to babies.


Both, Maternal, Infant, Young Child and Adolescent Nutrition (MIYCAN) will be implemented in the focus regions including Mwanza, Simiyu and Tabora. Well-coordinated, efficient and effective programming at regional level is critical to ensure high levels of transparency and accountability at PORALG. To this end, more support is needed at regional level to support PORALG to deliver to the expectations of NI Tanzania. 


2.0 Overall functions of the Regional Program Coordinators:

Nutrition International proposes to recruit Regional Program Coordinators (RPCs) to provide the oversight role for its programs in its implementation areas. The main role of the Regional Program Coordinators (RPCs) is to provide technical assistance to the Regional, Councils and Service Delivery

Points (SDPs), oversee workplan implementation and budget execution, act as a liaison officer between Councils in the regions, PORALG, NI Tanzania and partners, and to facilitate effective program implementation and advocacy. The RPC works closely with Regional Secretariat (mainly Regional Health

Management Team, and Regional Multisectoral Nutrition Steering Committee); Councils (mainly Council Health Management Team, and Council Multisectoral Nutrition Steering Committees) and other nutrition stakeholders in improving access to quality health and nutrition interventions provided at service delivery platforms (mainly schools, health facilities, and community).


3.0 Specific Roles and Responsibilities include:

3.1 Project Development  


3.2 Project Implementation

“PlanRep” and reflected into Comprehensive Council Health Plans and budgets (CCHPs),

Nutrition International proposes to recruit Regional Program Coordinators (RPCs) to provide the oversight role for its programs in its implementation areas. The main role of the Regional Program Coordinators (RPCs) is to provide technical assistance to the Regional, Councils and Service Delivery

Points (SDPs), oversee workplan implementation and budget execution, act as a liaison officer between Councils in the regions, PORALG, NI Tanzania and partners, and to facilitate effective program implementation and advocacy. The RPC works closely with Regional Secretariat (mainly Regional Health

Management Team, and Regional Multisectoral Nutrition Steering Committee); Councils (mainly Council Health Management Team, and Council Multisectoral Nutrition Steering Committees) and other nutrition stakeholders in improving access to quality health and nutrition interventions provided at service delivery platforms (mainly schools, health facilities, and community).


3.0 Specific Roles and Responsibilities include:

3.1 Project Development  


3.2 Project Implementation

“PlanRep” and reflected into Comprehensive Council Health Plans and budgets (CCHPs),

3.3 Project Monitoring, Reporting and Documentation 

Compile monthly progress reports as per schedule of tasks planned highlighting key action to be addressed



3.4 Financial oversight 


3.5 Advocacy 


3.6 Representation & Networking 


3.7 Summary of Key Deliverables