Assistant HRH Manager Deloitte Tanzania
10th December 2021

Assistant HRH Manager (Ref: C3HP/HRH/12-21) 


Deloitte Tanzania has been awarded a contract to implement a Comprehensive Client-Centered Health  Program HIV/TB LOC (C3HP) in Southern regions in Tanzania. This is a five year project (November 9,  2021 to September 30, 2026) funded by the American People through USAID aiming at supporting the  Government of Tanzania’s (GOT) Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Elderly and Children  (MOHCDGEC) and the President’s Office- Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG) at  the central level and in target Mainland regions to deliver high quality integrated HIV and TB prevention,  care and treatment services that will improve health outcomes, particularly for youth and children. The  program intends to increase the demand for and use of quality integrated HIV and Tuberculosis services  in Iringa, Lindi, Morogoro, Mtwara, Njombe, and Ruvuma regions by improving access to quality services  in both facilities and the surrounding communities, promoting positive health seeking behaviors among  Tanzania’s population, and enhancing the overall policy environment for HIV & TB service delivery. 

Deloitte is therefore seeking for experienced, self-motivated, a highly competent individual with  exemplary ethical conduct to join the C3HP program as Assistant HRH Manager

Job Purpose 

Design, plan and manage the implementation of the C3HP HRH component that focus on strengthening  the capacity of health work force to deliver client-centered quality health services. 

Key Responsibilities 

  • Collaborate with the established USAID Human Resources for Health (HRH) mechanism in  identification of HCWs needed in supported C3HP sites using evidence driven approaches.
  • Jointly co-manage the contracted facility HCWs with the HRH Mechanism for a performance based assessment associated with their roles and responsibilities as defined 
  • Implement innovative and sustainable recruitment, retention and HRH management interventions  at all levels.  
  • Support both facility and community HCWs by building the capacity of required skills for these HCWs  to provide integrated services, skills for application of service delivery guidelines, provide supportive  supervision, job aides, on-the-job training and advise on any additional incentive as required.  
  • Improve productivity and work climate interventions for health workers at facility and community  levels.  
  • Strengthen the national capacity to optimize the production and utilization of Human Resources for  Health 
  • Provide a technical role on initiatives to inform HRH policies, systems, structures and process  improvement.  
  • Directly support Community Health Workers (CHWs) roles within C3HP Regions as per the National  and PEPFAR guidance. 
  • Use evidence-based approaches to determine the need, services and location of CHWs placement
  • Provide technical guidance and inputs to the documentation of HRH achievements, best practices ad  lessons learn  
  • Provide technical guidance and inputs to facilitate scale up of the best practices to various stakeholders within and outside the health sector for high impact interventions. 
  • Actively participate in the national forums and relevant technical working groups.
  • Take part in program reviews activities for process improvement.  
  • Provide respective technical inputs in developing various reports for governing boards, management  and for other stakeholders.  


  • Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management, Organisational Psychology, Business  Administration, Health Administration or related field 
  • Minimum of three years relevant experience  
  • Knowledge of Health systems, practices and procedures at the national level and international level. Good interpersonal  
  • Good verbal and written communication skills 

If you believe you are the right candidate for the job, submit a cover letter including your current and  expected remuneration, detailed CV, copies of your academic certificates and transcripts, and three  referees to For your application to be considered, it MUST quote the job title,  reference number and your preferred region on the email subject line. Submission deadline is 10th  December 2021 at 4:30 p.m. Hard copy applications will NOT be accepted. 

This position is on a one-year renewable contract, subject to performance and availability of funding  from the donor. The job offer is conditional to successful vetting, including professional reference  checks and limited lifestyle audit. 


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