Farm Africa is currently recruiting three staff to add effort in the implementations of our two programs, Flourishing Futures programme which focus on sunflower value chain in Manyara region funded by the Agricultural Markets Development Trust (AMDT) and other project is Delivering Expertise, Capacity and Investment to Developing Enterprise (DECIDE) project which focus on addressing the key bottlenecks and barriers to growth among small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) within horticultural value chains funded by NORAD.
Jobs Title: Business Development Officers (1 Arusha & 1 Morogoro)
Duration: All positions are full time for duration of 22 months (with possible extension)
Salary: Attractive salaries & benefit packages
Farm Africa is looking for two dynamic Business Development Officer, one to be based in Morogoro and another in Arusha, to lead in Business Development Services (BDS) for the “Delivering Expertise, Capacity and Investment to Developing Enterprise (DECIDE) project, Supporting Farm Africa and other implementing partners in strengthening horticultural Small and Medium Enterprises’ (SMEs) foundations for growth, This includes, but is not limited to: 1) Identifying and addressing SME capacity gaps; 2) Development of the business capacity of SMEs through supporting their entrepreneurship, leadership, record keeping, and financial management aspects; 3) Guiding business planning; 4) Supporting the market linkages of SMEs to smallholder suppliers, and to both the export and local market outlets. These practices will be informed by value chain analyses, market assessments and SME assessments for which the Business Development Officer is responsible.
If you believe you have the skills and experience required for any of the above positions, please submit a CV (maximum 3 sides of A4) and a covering letter (maximum 1 side of A4) that explains how you meet the job requirements, clearly stating which position you are applying for, to recruitmentTZ@farmafrica.org and copy to Tanzaniarecruitment@farmafrica.org by midnight (EAT), Monday, 18th of February 2019.