Cluster Coordinator – East Africa Youth Inclusion Program HEIFER INTERNATIONAL Mbeya, Tanzania
10th February 2019


Heifer International is a global non-profit, humanitarian development organization founded by Dan West in 1944 dedicated to ending hunger and poverty and caring for the Earth by empowering smallholder farm families around the globe become self-reliant and attain sustainable livelihood through economically viable animal agricultural enterprise. The global headquarters is located at 1 World Avenue, Little Rock Arkansas, USA.

Heifer International is currently implementing the East Africa Youth Inclusion Program (EAYIP) in Uganda and Tanzania with funding from Master Card Foundation. EAYIP’s overarching program goal is to improve the livelihoods of 25,00 youth aged between 15-24 years in Uganda and Tanzania to increase their income through youth employment and enterprise development opportunities in the dairy sector and other agricultural value chains.


Country Program is seeking to recruit competent candidate for the following position for its EAYIP program.

Job Title : Cluster Coordinator – East Africa Youth Inclusion Program

Job Location: Mbeya


The East Africa Youth Inclusion Program (EAYIP) Cluster Coordinator, under the guidance of the EAYIP Social Capital and Cluster Manager, will provide leadership on hub business and will be responsible for managing and providing technical guidance to the business operations of the agricultural value chain enterprises in the Cluster for the EAYIP. S/he will ensure increased production and productivity in the agribusinesses which are the key outcome of the project. Leading and working through a team of Cluster personnel and other consortium staff, he/she will provide technical guidance and support to producer organization boards, staff and farmers on dairy production and productivity issues.

RESPONSIBILITIES AND DELIVERABLES (including approximate percentage effort)

Program Effectiveness (50%)

  • Lead the Cluster team including consortium staff to develop practical strategies to increase income production and productivity within the respective cluster through use of relevant input on poultry, horticulture, staple crops, animal health & husbandry, feed/nutrition, water management system etc.
  • Develop/Review systems, procedures, methods and formats to monitor production, quality, pricing, expenses and income associated with dairy production, poultry, horticulture, staple crops at farm level and at the producer organization level.
  • Lead the development of a farm business model as a profitable sustainable and growth proposition to small holder farmer, which could be used to replicate and advise interested farmers particularly youth to adopt dairy, poultry, horticulture, staple crops farming.
  • Lead and support the Cluster team in designing a system and implement plans to support Producer organizations to setup robust business leadership extension systems and link producer organizations to input and service providers.
  • Support the design and implementation of appropriate curricula to help the cluster office plan and implement training programs that relate to the poultry, horticulture, staple crops farming and dairy enterprise management.
  • With the guidance of the Social Capital and Cluster Manager, design and lead systems to streamline gender and youth activities which promote production and productivity within the cluster
  • Lead the Cluster team in designing a program that can select and support the development of model farms and put in place strategies to upscale adoption of productivity enhancement technologies.


  1. Productivity analysis & market assessments in the Cluster EAYIP program conducted to determine the value chains for new youth hubs and complementary value chains for existing dairy hubs.
  2. Facilitate the formation of youth associations and preparation of articles of incorporation, bye laws and facilitate registration of the Associations
  3. Participate in the development and dissemination of hub development tool-kits, hub business models
  4. The hub board members trained in leadership, group dynamics and good corporate governance
  5. Work with the hubs to develop and implement the graduation strategy
  6. Knowledge and know how transfer to the hubs management
  7. Coordinate support recruitment and training of community facilitators
  8. Social Capital Development (SCD) structures developed and well-functioning. This includes Community Facilitator, Community Agrovet Entrepreneurs, Project Management Committees and Mentoring Teams
  9. Organizational standards for SCD have been followed.
  10. Groups are dynamic and vibrant with self-directed plans and carrying out regular PSRP.
  11. Model farms established
  12. Management and Compliance (30%)
  13. Review and coordinate the compilation of weekly, monthly, quarterly reports and ensure that a robust data base is maintained at Cluster level to track productivity and use of inputs and services
  14. Working closely with the Regional Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation (MLE) Manager; and MLE Officer create, execute and monitor action plans to support Cluster office value chains namely poultry, horticulture & livestock data bases at youth farmer business associations with a view of the enterprises to use the data for improving management and profitability of the enterprises.
  15. Ensure compliance with contractual obligations and procedures of donors


  1. Submit timely reports to Country Program Manager as required
  2. Ensure periodic project reviews are conducted, with learnings documented and shared.
  3. May perform other job-related responsibilities as assigned
  4. Partnership and Engagement (20%)
  5. Coordinate cluster team and external partnerships to bring best farm practice to the project
  6. Provide leadership to the Cluster team in strategy development and creative initiatives to nurture and build linkages between producer organizations, local governments, private sector BDS providers and other development players.
  7. Represent EAYIP in various local stakeholder meetings, workshops, conferences and shared learning events.


  1. Develop and implement plans for multi-stakeholders’ engagement and learning.
  2. Develop relationships with local partners working with youth in agribusiness to facilitate access to best farming practices and market linkages.

Minimum Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture, Animal Science or other related field, with five (5) years’ experience in dairy production, dairy value chain management, agriculture development with at least three (3) years’ experience of how cooperatives work.

Mode of Application: 

Potential candidates are encouraged to apply by sending application letter enclosed CV and certificates/ testimonials. Application electronically through All applications should write the Job Title as subject. Remember, Heifer International is an equal employer and recruitment is by merits.

APPLY TO | Deadline this application is 10th February, 2018.

Only Shortlisted Candidates will be contacted

NB: *The position is open to Tanzanian Nationals only.*

Heifer International is an equal opportunity Employer


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