Consultancy for Vikindu, Pugu and Kazimzumbwi Bussiness Plan World Wide Fund For Nature(WWF) Tanzania
24th June 2019


WWF Tanzania in collaboration with WWF UK is looking for qualified consultants for Developing a Forest Business Plan for Vikindu, Pugu and Kazimzumbwi Coastal Forests, Coast Region and a restoration program on protected areas connectivity using pioneer tree species and high value crops in the East Usambara landscape in Tanzania”.

1.0 Introduction

Vikindu, Pugu and Kazimzumbwi Forest Reserves with total area of 8,862 ha, are among the remnants of coastal forests found in Kisarawe and Mkuranga Districts. The coastal forests of Tanzania are defined by their distance not more than 100 km from the shoreline and the altitude less than 500 m above sea level. These forests are spread over six regions namely; Tanga, Pwani, Dar es Salaam, Lindi, Mtwara and part of Morogoro region. They are characterised by undulating topography which consists of hills, valleys and rivers.  Vikindu, Pugu and Kazimzumbwi forests are among the Coastal forests recognized as one of the 25 Global Biodiversity ‘Hotspots’ due to the exceptional level of biological diversity and species endemism (both plant and animal) and were singled out as priority area for conservation. These forests are important for their endemic species, and they are estimated to harbour about 30% of plant species, invertebrates, peculiar birds like the Sokoke pipit and small to medium sized mammals. The forests also are important sources of food, fibre and contribute to livelihoods of the surrounding communities.

Environmentally, these forests play a vital role in maintaining ecosystem services and functions. The forests are surrounded by high density cities and suburban areas and subject to some illegal activities such as encroachment for cultivation of paddy, cutting of trees for charcoal production and settlements development. The rapid growth of population in Dar es Salaam City and other towns along the coast has negatively influenced the condition (quality) of these forest reserves. Poverty has forced most people to heavily extract forest products from the reserves for their livelihood. Unsustainable utilization of the forest resources and adverse environmental conditions has caused remarkable degradation of habitats for these endemic species in these forest reserves.

Tanzania Forest Services (TFS) has been instituting several interventions to manage and conserve these FRs so as to maintain their natural status and contribute to social, environmental and economic development. The efforts to redress the situation include curtailing encroachment and improving governance in the management; however, despite all these efforts the threats are still on the increase. One of the key constraints to effective management of the forests, among others, is inadequate and un-sustained funding as well as limited awareness of the public on the importance of the coastal forests. There is need to develop mechanisms that address this while also delivering on social, economic and other benefits like cultural and ecosystem services.

In view of this, WWF and TFS have agreed on a plan to restore Vikindu, Pugu and Kazimzumbwi forest reserves driven by a public-private partnerships (PPP) model. This is expected to ensure sustainability in its funding while increase participation of relevant stakeholders for effective forest management and multiple benefits.

1.1       Vikindu Forest Reserve (VFR)

The VFR is a coastal forest rich in biodiversity forming the largest green belt of Miombo ecosystem in Coast Region covering an area of about 1,710 ha. The forest area is accessible through the Dar es Salaam - Kilwa road and the nearest point is at approximately 17 km South of Dar es Salaam. The reserve is rich in both flora and fauna including Afzelia sp, Julbenardia sp, Brachystegia sp, Adansonia digitate, Combretum species and fauna like the Dik-dik, black butterflies, the eastern black and white Colobus monkey, antelopes, wild pigs, python, butterflies and beetles. The reserve area has a boundary length of about 22.5 km of which 10 km is marked by planted Milicia excelsa, Khaya anthotheca, Afzelia quanzensis.

The physical environment is characterised by undulating topography with hills (Kisasa, Binguni B, Jibrota and Mwandege) and river valleys (Charwi, Chatembo, Mkangazi, Kamagela and Jibrota), which drain to form Binguni River that empties its waters in the Indian Ocean.  There are also some special attraction sites including swamps, hills and small dams/ponds and annual streams.

1.2       Pugu Forest Reserve (PFR)

The PFR is a coastal forest covering an area of 2,410 hectares situated about 20 km south west of Dar es Salaam, approximately between longitude 390 03’ and 390 07’ E and latitude 60 52’ and 60 56’ S.  It is found in the Pugu Hills area, near Dar es Salaam, adjacent to the Kazimzumbwi Forest Reserve. The reserve extends over a large hilly area Southwest of Dar es Salaam, the nearest populated place being Kisarawe. The forest was gazetted in 1947 for protection purposes including water catchment/supply and biodiversity conservation. The forest was proclaimed to be a reserve under the provisions of the Forest Ordinance Cap 132 and surveyed in 1954 and its map JB 606 was drawn in 1967. Dominant tree species in Pugu FR include Markamia zanzibarica and Diospyros verrucosa. The reserve is a source of the Msimbazi River that flows into the Indian Ocean through Dar es Salaam City.



1.3 Kazimzumbwi Forest Reserve (KFR)

The KFR, which covers an area of 4,830 ha, was gazetted as a National Forest Reserve in 1954 as a protected Forest Reserve. It is located at longitude 390 01’ – 390 05’ E and Latitude 60 55’ and 70 03’ S at an altitude between 120 and 180 m (390 and 590 ft).  This forest which is one of the coastal forest reserves in Pwani Region is located on the Pugu Hills area at about 20 km south-west of Dar es Salaam. Forest adjacent villages to Kazimzumbwi include Kisarawe, Kisanga, Kazimzumbwi, Nyebulu, Nzasa and Maguruwe with a combined population of above 45,434 people. The KFR is dominated by tree species including Afzellia quanzensis, Brachystegia spp, Pterocarpus angolensis and Baphia kirkii.

2.0 Objectives

2.1 Overall objective

The overall objective of this assignment is to develop a 5 years business case for promoting eco-tourism in Vikindu, Pugu and Kazimzumbwi Forests through a Public Private Partnership model.

2.2 Specific objectives

Under the supervision of the WWF UK Regional Manager, East Africa the consultant will be responsible to:

  1. Carry out a global review of eco-tourism models to draw lessons for application in the case of Pugu, Vikindu and Kazimzumbwi
  2. Conduct detailed consultation with the WWF Tanzania and partners on forest restoration and other nature-based activities in the selected forests
  3. Identify potential stakeholders engaged on similar activities, their possible roles and model of engagement for promoting eco-tourism in these forests
  4. Develop a five year business plan for the selected forests, budgets and the strategy for operationalization
  5. The consultant will also identify potential development partners where the business plan can be submitted for funding
  6. Develop a fundable project concept note for restoration and eco-tourism sustainability of the program in these forests
  7. Explore the potential and possibility of engaging financial institutions and corporates in financing forest landscape restoration and promoting eco-tourism around the three forests
  8. Facilitate a one or two day stakeholder consultation workshop before submitting the draft report to WWF UK

3.0 Qualifications and experience required

  1. At least a Master degree in business development and administration, natural sciences, social sciences, economics, project design and other related disciplines
  2. Extensive experience of working with the private sector in natural resources management
  3. Extensive experience in developing business plans especially in forest restoration initiatives in the tropics
  4. Familiarity and understanding of forest restoration initiatives and development issues in Africa
  5. Experience in fund raising for financing the forest sector in Africa or elsewhere in the world
  6. Good understanding of the business environment in Tanzania
  7. Knowledge of WWF and its conservation initiatives
  8. Excellent writing skills and knowledge of Kiswahili will be an added advantage

4.0 Deliverables

  1. Business plan document for the Vikindu, Pugu and Kazimzumbwi forests (identifying the product/ service for delivering, marketing strategy, SWOT analysis, and budget among other issues)
  2. Implementation arrangements for the business plan with Private sector
  3. List of potential partners for the Vikindu, Pugu and Kazimzumbwi forests eco-tourism business plan under Public Private Partnership
  4. A fundable concept note with potential donors

5.0 Duration

This assignment will take 30 days from the date of signing the contract to be completed before 30th June, 2019

Contact person in Tanzania

Lucas Maiga,

Operations Manager

WWF Tanzania Office


Mobile: +255 787 819946


Contact person in WWF UK

Mxolisi Sibanda

Regional Manager, East Africa


Mobile: +44 (0)7538044422


Deadline is 24th June, 2019


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