Education Sr. Coordinator/Manager The Small Things Tanzania
18th June 2022

Under the leadership of the Managing Director, the Senior Education Coordinator oversees the day-to-day educational programs at TST including the academic progress of residential, reunified, pre-school, and baby daycare children. Working with the education coordinator and the education team, the Senior Education Coordinator will manage the community education programs, run the learning assessments, support the implementation of other education programs, and support the Silverleaf tutoring program. If we can find the right person, we would like this person to serve a dual role, doing direct support at TST as well as teacher/school support and training through Silverleaf’s School Franchise program. We are looking for an extremely organized, experienced individual for this role, and are open to hiring at either the Sr. Coordinator or Manager level.

Capacity Building and Training

  • Provide the differentiated learning tools for struggling children to the education coordinator, student teachers, and education assistant
  • Run the monthly education meetings with the education coordinator and education team to identify children with educational problems and give support
  • Conduct quarterly academic meetings with the education team and education coordinator to review all children’s progress especially those with special needs.
  • Create/adapt tools to track learner progress in concert with Silverleaf
  • Create toolkits and trainings to improve educational quality for local organizations

Children’s Education Oversight

  • With support from the education coordinator, reunification, outreach coordinator, and education team, search for the best schools that will support the special needs and residential children.
  • Assess the special learning needs of all individuals, reunified, residential, and preschool children.
  • Create IEP and learning plan for each child with special learning needs by coordinating with the education coordinator and education assistant.
  • Schedule each child, based on learning needs, with the education coordinator and the education team
  • Work with the outreach team to identify any child with special learning needs and give support
  • Run the mentorship program for the Children Village’s children
  • Publish the quarterly Kid’s Newsletter

Community Education Programs

  • Work with community education teachers and support them as needed
  • Manage and run the community education programs
  • Schedule sessions for each teacher and support the teacher’s teaching
  • Supervise and provide the necessary support to computer class teacher
  • Supervise and provide the necessary support to English class teacher
  • Work with the Social Enterprise Coordinator to ensure participation of studio students in the English and Computer classes
  • Bi-annually purchase books, book replacements, and monthly stationaries
  • Manage pen pal letters program for tutoring children


  • Conduct bi-weekly meetings with the Education Coordinator
  • Conduct bi-weekly meetings with the tutoring teacher on duty
  • Attend bi-weekly meetings with the Managing Director
  • Run monthly meetings with the pre-school and baby daycare teams.
  • Attend management meetings
  • With the managing director, assess the education staff.
  • Review and verify that the maintenance and usage budget is followed
  • Communicate to the managing director any overages to the budget that have occurred or will occur
  • Observe and provide a checklist to assess the education program

How to apply

Email with your CV and cover letter, before June 18th.


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