ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN Shinyanga Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (SHUWASA) Shinyanga
15th October 2017

Shinyanga Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (SHUWASA) is an Autonomous Utility that was established under section 3 (I) of the Water Works Regulations as reviewed by section 60 of the Water Sanitation Act No. 12 of 2009. The Authority is mandated to provide adequate, quality and sustainable water and waste management services to Shinyanga Municipality residents at affordable and cost-effective prices. SHUWASA performs its duties under the overall supervision of the  Executive Board of Directors with functions and responsibilities well stipulated in the Water Supply and Sanitation ActNo. 12 of 2009 and the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Ministry of Water and Irrigation and Shinyanga Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority(SHUWASA).

Shinyanga Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (SHUWASA) is hereby advertising to the public application invitations from dynamic, energetic, dedicated, qualified, motivated, experienced and performance-driven males and female Tanzanians to fill the post of Electrical technician under the following requirements. 


The candidate will be reporting to the Water Network and Distribution Engineer and shall be the overall in charge of all electrical issues related to installations infrastructure, machineries and equipment for the authority.

Key duties and responsibilities

      i.        Ensure effective and efficient maintenance and repair of electrical works on machines and equipments

    ii.        Carrying out electrical inspections, maintenance and repair of machines, equipment and motors professionaly

   iii.        Xompleting job cards for every electrical maintenancne and repair work performed

   iv.        Repairing reported electrical faults of buildings, machines and equipments

     v.        Advising the Head of Section on all electrical matters of the Authority

   vi.        Putting in place an elaborate energy audit plan and energy efficient mechanism for the authority

  vii.        Training of machines and motor operators on electrical machines and equipmen

 viii.        Keeping recors of electrical maintenance and repair work undertaken for every machine, equipmen and motor

   ix.        Using of established official checklist whn carrhin out electrical inspections

     x.        Proper housekeeping of electrical machines and equipment.

   xi.        Maintaining inventory of all electrical machies, equipmen and motors

  xii.        Recommending to the head of section for proper outsourcing of services

 xiii.        Undertaking electrical preveitnv maintenance of machines, equipments and motors.

 xiv.        To ensure that water pumping machines are kept in good working conditions

  xv.        Scheduling of water pumps  operations

 xvi.        Peforming all duties in accordance to laid down electrical standars and regulations.


      i.        Holder of Form IV/VI with FTC/ordinar Diploma in Electrical Engineering froma recognized technical College. Candidates must have four years working experience in electrical engineering undertaking from a similar/reputable organization.

     ii.        Age limit – Not above 40 years

Mode of application

Interested candidates should submit their application through this website, registered mail, courier service, e-mail or dispatch together with Curriculum Vitae, passport size photo, copies of bothe academic and professional certificates, testimonials, names and addresses of three referees, not relatives and da time telephone.

Managing Director

Shinyanga Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority,

PO BOX 298,


Tel: 028-2762073, Fax: 028-2763551


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