Lecturer Zanzibar University Zanzibar
30th July 2018

Zanzibar University invites job applications for the posts of Senior Lecturers, Lecturers and Assistant Lecturers for the Programme of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Two Posts).


Lecturer: At least holder of PhD

Salaries and Other Benefits: The Zanzibar University will offer good and competitive salaries and other benefits for all successful applicants.

Mode of Application:

An applicant is required to submit a typed application letter with detailed Curriculum Vitae and copies of relevant academic certificates. He/She should also indicate his current postal address, telephone number, and e-mail.

Applications should be addressed to:
Vice Chancellor
Zanzibar University
P.O. Box 2440
Zanzibar, or

info@zanvarsity.ac.tz or one can submit his application letter and other documents directly to our offices in Tunguu, during office hours.

Deadline for receiving application is 30th July 2018. Only the shortlisted applicants will be


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