i. To monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Corporate Annual Plans, Medium Terms Plans, and Strategic Plan;
ii. To provide technical advice including the institutionalization of M&E process;
iii. To develop and update a Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) framework for the Corporation’s projects;
iv. To coordinate and prepare periodic performance reports;
v. To provide inputs in the preparation of plans, programs, and budgetary activities in the Corporation including the establishment of performance targets and indicators;
vi. To undertake research and impact studies of plans, projects, and programs undertaken by the Corporation;
vii. To undertake service delivery surveys to collect stakeholders/clients views on services rendered and advise management accordingly;
viii. To conduct monitoring and evaluation of the Corporation’s Projects; and
ix. To perform any other official duties as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.
Holder of a Master's Degree in Petroleum Geosciences, Geology, Petroleum Engineering, Economics, Statistics, Finance, and Accounting in oil and gas, Project Management, or equivalent qualifications from a recognized institution. The candidate must have at least eight (8) years of relevant working experience.