The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is one of the largest humanitarian agencies in the world, providing relief, rehabilitation and post-conflict reconstruction support to victims of oppression and violent conflict. IRC has worked for over seven decades and today is involved in over 25 conflict zones in the world.
The IRC is currently strengthening reverse medical referral mechanism by bringing specialists to the camps to provide specialized medical services and technical advice to camp doctors. The main Objective of this visit is to improve the health status of refugees and hosts community through:
1. Provision of Treatment/ surgical intervention to refugees and host community
2. Provision of capacity building to health care workers
To accomplish the objectives, the IRC invites applications from suitable part-time medical specialists (General Surgeon, OBGY specialist and a general physician). This activity will be conducted at Kibondo District Hospital and respective refugee camps.
General surgeon/OBGY Specialist/Physician responsibilities:
1. Conduct patient assessment and provide appropriate management as conditions prevail while mentoring the health care workers(doctors, and Nurses) for continued care.
2. Conduct consultations with patients and provide needed specialized care.
3. Attend to postoperative patient in surgical wards and advise accordingly
4. Collaborate with URC and other health partners in the camps as well as Kibondo District Hospital
5. Ensure that minimal number of patients if needed is referred to specialized facilities and a maximum number of patients is treated/managed within the selected health facility.
6. Adhere to the existing referral SOP for cases that might need further specialized care.
7. Produce an activity report and recommendations on the area to improve as far as surgical services are concerned
8. Flexible to move from one camp to another
a) Medical Specialist/resident with experience of more than 5 years in the relevant field needed.
b) Ability to transfer knowledge and capacitate health care workers in the camps and designated district hospital.
c) Flexibility in provision of services and travel to different caps whenever needed
d) Experience working in resource-limited environment/areas in humanitarian settings