Mobile Pharmacy Provider
23rd April 2021
The incumbent will liaise closely Regional ICAP team, regional and district health teams, health care workers and community volunteers in conducting differentiated service delivery model of HIV care and treatment by assisting the provision of comprehensive CTC services and HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PREP) at community per National Guidelines and SOPs. The incumbent will work with selected facilities in a district and act as a link between health facility, ICAP and other IPs to ensure smooth implementation of HIV care and treatment differentiated service delivery model.
- Working with facility HCW to enroll stable client in to outreach model by conducting sorting for those with criteria, education to client on outreach model for acceptance
- Collaborate with community expert clients and health care providers in setting fixed outreach point for refill for all client for eligible clients.
- Work closely with health workers to ensure all clients are registered in ART/PrEP outreach register and their fixed point.
- Develop work plan or weekly/monthly calendar showing exact date time and location (fixed point) for ART/PrEP refill.
- Work closely with HCW and community expert clients by retrieving and review all files for community refill somedays before the event
- Work with HCW to ensure the supplies for the outreach are in place one day before the event
- Ensure all other logistic are in place, transport (Bajaji), register, forms etc (use checklist)
- Work closely with HCW to ensure comprehensive clinical services for ART/PrEP is conducted as per National care and treatment guideline (adherence counsel, pill count, clinical review, referral in case of complication)
- Review client eligibility for ART/PrEP refill on each encounter
- Work closely with HCW to update all registers and forms and submit to the respective department for update in to data base
- Liaise with Community expert client to find fixed point in the community
- Follow up with client to remind them their refill schedule in collaboration with CEC
(Send SMS reminder)
- Complete index elicitation, set appointment for index testing for client not received index testing
- Provide ART/PrEP refills to clients who shows in un-scheduled visits (UV)
- Work closely with HCW and Community expert clients/Community Outreach volunteers in tracing of the LTF and update the outcome
- Support the HIVST distribution and follow up kits returns with collaboration with community outreach volunteers and HCW.
- Support the maintenance of the mobile pharmacy (Bajaji).
Required qualification, Knowledge, and skills:
- Medically trained personnel (Assistant Medical Officer, Clinical Officer, Nurse) who have current certification, qualifications and training on HIV care and treatment and PREP services.
- Minimum 3 years’ experience providing HIV care and treatment services in either facility or community setting.
- Experience in working with different key and vulnerable groups on adherent to HIV care and treatment.
- Good experience in working and leading peers (community outreach volunteer, community expert clients) in implementation of their designated day to day activities.
- Excellent speaking, reading and writing in English and Kiswahili.
- Computer skills, proficiency with Microsoft Office package
- Ability to Organize activity in collaboration with government leaders at all levels (RHMT,CHMT, WEO, VEO).
- Ability to interact well with all targeted groups target groups and peer outreach workers by facilitating a non-judgmental, non-discriminatory, and non-stigmatizing environment in the program, to welcome all key and vulnerable population beneficiaries regardless of their background.
- Ability to drive a car and have acquired minimum grade National driving licence to allow him to drive four passenger vehicle in Tanzania