Monitoring and Evaluation Lead ICAP Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
20th April 2020

Position Summary:

ICAP at Columbia University seeks experienced and qualified experts to serve as Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Lead for several proposed CDC-funded projects related to improving and protecting global health security (GHS) through developing capacities of government health ministries, institutions, and local partners; strengthening health information and surveillance systems and promoting initiatives that support International Health Regulation core competencies. ICAP is recruiting five M&E Leads who will provide technical leadership in developing project M&E plans and frameworks as well as indicators to capture performance results and provide robust monitoring, evaluation, and reporting of all project activities. Reporting to the Project Director, s/he will manage the design and implementation of M&E activities, integrate lessons learned into project implementation, disseminate project successes and challenges to donors and build the capacity of partners on M&E. 

The M&E Lead positions will be based in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Tanzania. The positions are subject to a successful funding application and final approval by the CDC. 

Major Accountabilities: 

  • Oversees the design, review, and implementation of the project’s M&E plan, including the development of project outputs, performance indicators, and targets. 
  • Works with the Surveillance Lead to provides guidance and direction in strengthening health information systems (HIS), including the revision and upgrade of the laboratory information system (LIS), electronic medical record systems, and linkage of patient records and relevant health information systems to increase surveillance, laboratory, and outbreak response capacity. 
  • Leads efforts to ensure efficient systems are in place for project staff to collect and compile relevant information for the project and other special reports. 
  • Ensures improved adherence to national and international M&E standards. 
  • Designs and oversees the implementation of M&E systems to collect, manage, and disseminate data for reporting progress towards the project objectives. 
  • Ensures the project team’s alignment of activities with national and international policies, strategic plans, guidelines, and standard operating procedures. 
  • Provides mentoring and supportive supervision on M&E activities to project staff to inform program planning and improve data quality and service delivery. 
  • Ensures that routinely collected data summaries are available promptly and a user-friendly format for regular use by the technical team as well and relevant external implementing partners for decision making. 
  • In coordination with the Project Director and other team members prepares consolidated reports that include concise narratives and relevant tables and graphs to meet report requirements for all donors and stakeholders. 
  • Leads project’s efforts to build the capacity of staff from relevant government ministries and implementing partners in the area of M&E. 
  • Ensures high-quality implementation, consistent with national M&E guidelines, protocols, information and reporting systems 
  • Establishes strategic M&E relationships and alliances with other CDC projects and represents M&E activities in relevant fora 

Education: Advanced degree in epidemiology, biostatistics, public health, demography, or related discipline. 

Experience, Skills, and Minimum Qualifications: 

  • At least 7 years of experience in the design and implementation of M&E in large, international public health or development projects. At least 5 years of which were spent in a senior or project leadership role. 
  • Proven expertise in quantitative and qualitative methodologies, operations research, health management information systems, reporting, data quality assessments, data analysis, and presentation. 
  • High-level computer skills, including the ability to rapidly process and analyze data using the following: MS Excel, MS Access, SPSS or SAS, and Epi-Info Windows. 
  • Advanced knowledge of individual-level and aggregate HIS. 
  • Proven experience in M&E and surveillance information 
  • Experience hiring and supervising personnel and ensuring they acquire the necessary training and skills to meet evolving project needs 
  • Ability to liaise with senior MOH and county government officials as well as senior members of the donor community. 
  • Demonstrated competence working within CDC or agencies with similar regulations and procedures. 
  • Extensive knowledge and understanding of the country context in general and public health situation, in particular, is required. 
  • Fluent English oral and written communication skills. 
  • Willingness to travel regionally/locally or overseas approximately 40% of the time.

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