Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Manager CARE International Iringa, Tanzania
25th June 2024


CARE is a leading humanitarian organization dedicated to fighting poverty and social injustice with a special emphasis on  women and girls. CARE Tanzania is part of CARE International, with the vision to seek a world of hope, tolerance, and social  justice, where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security. CARE International is a global force and a  partner of choice within a worldwide movement dedicated to ending poverty. We are known everywhere for our unshakable  commitment to the dignity of people. CARE Tanzania and partners contribute to the empowerment of the most marginalized  and vulnerable rural women and girls to exercise their rights. 


Her Resilience, Our Planet project funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) aims to increase the socio-economic empowerment  of women and female youth in gender responsive and ecosystem-sensitive agricultural sectors in five districts of two SAGCOT’s  geographic priority clusters: Ihemi cluster (Iringa, Kilolo, Mufindi and Wanging’ombe districts) and Mbarali cluster (Mbarali  district). 

The 6-year Her Resilience, Our Planet (HROP) project will enhance the adoption of gender-responsive Climate-Smart  Agriculture systems, biodiversity protective food systems for nature, and positive climate change adaptation by food insecure communities, especially women and youth. The project strives to increase the utilization of gender-responsive, Climate-Smart,  and nature-positive agricultural business development resources and services by food insecure communities and enhance  leadership and participation of women and female youth in the processes leading to gender-responsive, climate and nature informed policies, strategies, plans, and budgets in SAGCOT area. 

The project will be implemented by a consortium of six organizations: CARE, WWF and four local implementing partners:  SAGCOT Centre Ltd (SCL), Tanzania Gender Networking Program (TGNP), Shahidi Wa Maji (SwM) and Conservation Farming  Unit Tanzania (CFU-Tanzania) offering decades of experience in women’s leadership, climate change adaptation and  ecosystem conservation. This project will also harness learning from 15 years of joint programming by the CARE-WWF Alliance. 

CARE Tanzania seeks to recruit dynamic qualified Tanzanians to fill five (9) positions for the anticipated Her Resilience, Our  Planet project funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) based in Iringa. 

POSITION TITLE: Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Manager. 

REPORTS TO: Senior MEAL Manager 



The Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Manager will lead and support all Monitoring, Evaluation and  Learning (MEAL) activities in ensuring a high and consistent standard and quality of M&E is delivered throughout CARE TANZANIA  Program Strategies in line with the CARE GLOBAL VISION 2030 IMPACT AREAS and Indicators. He/She will manage the MEAL  component of Her Money Ger Resilience project. The position will be responsible for implementing M&E systems including  indicator targeting, tracking, and reporting according to donor and CARE standards, managing a data collection system, leading  impact assessments and a learning strategy. In addition, MEAL Manager will work closely with the Impact and Communication  Coordinator and lead/support the rolling out of evidence generations and related analysis. He/She will be supported by other  project-based MEAL team members who will also support and perform MEAL tasks across the entire country office portfolio.  He/she will also be responsible for leading the programs’ initiative efforts to build program staff and partner’s capacities in  designing, monitoring, evaluation, impact measurement, reporting and learning. The position will also advise on suitable  approaches to multiplying impact.  

The MEAL Manager position therefore requires an extremely high level of technical capacity and intellectual flexibility as well as  sufficient interpersonal skills to effectively manage the overlapping demands of this role. Expected to have technical capacities  beyond traditional M&E techniques to be able to monitor and evaluate policy processes, private sector engagement, and partners  engagement as well monitoring and articulating vertical linkages. The MEAL Manager is expected to maintain good working  relationships with national government officials, donors, CARE International Members (CIMs) and relevant partner organizations,  networks and alliances as relevant and also will be Working in collaboration with a diverse team of project consortium members  including WWF, SAGCOT, CFU, TGNP, SWM, local government authorities and TMA. 


  • Provide overall leadership and coordination of the MEAL activities in responding to requests and providing technical  backstopping as required.  
  • Take overall responsibility for coordinating and planning activities of the MEAL based on program commitments and requests,  as well as in relation to the M&E plan.  
  • Ensure the expertise across the team is available to all project staff and that development support is provided to build the  overall capacity of the team.  
  • Develop the Capacity of Partner and Partner MEAL staff through training, workshops, and one to one visit to understand and  undertake MEAL activities as per set standards, principles, and application of the centralized MEAL systems for accurate  reporting. 
  • Provide support, coaching, mentoring on a continuous basis and develop a culture of team spirit. 
  • Coordinate and arrange meetings for project staff to review project achievements including Annual PIIRS Results, Projects  Results through CARE TZ MEAL System and reflect on the projects and COs achievements trends as per Strategy and  VISION 2030 targets. 
  • Work closely with project staff to ensure effective use of MEAL data and information in project implementation,  communications, technical reports, and other materials. 
  • Continuous monitoring of project deliverables as per set projects objectives and indicators targets, review monthly, quarterly,  and annual reports for approval. 
  • Monitor and ensure high standard and quality of MEAL functions throughout the project. 
  • Ensure collection of complete project data during project life and its storage in the shared drive is available for access all time. 
  • Ensuring that planning, monitoring, risk management/troubleshooting, learning, organizational development, and other  strategies and system improvements are coowned and part of every technical unit and program/project offices.
  • Develop an organizational standardized evidence and data quality assurance checklist and approach to be used - (standard quality criteria's to be used to access evidence and data); 
  • Coordinate both internal and external Data Quality Assessment to ensure data is accurate and complete at each level of data  collection and aggregation. 
  • Maintain quality and increased availability of evidence and data for CARE’s own use and to complement MI strategy  implementation. 
  • Strengthen and continue use of the CARE Centralized System (PIIRS, CARE TZ MEAL SYSTEM, CARE TZ SHARED  SPACE, KOBOTOOL BOX etc by staff, partners and other stakeholders for data collection, management, and reporting.
  • Provide technical support and ensure the use of different softwares including SPSS, STATA, Power BI and any other relevant  software for data analysis and visualization.  
  • Facilitates training to project CARE staff and partner staff on the use of centralized MEAL system to ensure availability, timely  submission, accuracy and quality. 
  • Support the team on the development of the Feedback and Accountability Mechanism Standard Operating Procedure in line  with the CARE Tanzania Feedback and Accountability Mechanism Standard Operating Procedure. 
  • Facilitates the gathering of PIIIRS data and compiles and coordinates the annual PIIRS submission, review, and adaptations  of the data through project sense making session. 
  • Ensure there is proper MEAL tools and templates for collecting and reporting the project/initiative achievements to donor, CO management and other stakeholders. 
  • Support in the development of project models (log frame, M&E plan and MI evidence frameworks) in proposals and followup  on the progress during project implementation. 
  • Strengthen capacity of partner and CARE program staffs on MEAL functions, tools, evidence generation documenting and  reporting. 
  • Facilitate Impact measurement across the project by conducting timely evaluations and ensure projects outcome/impact data  are available during the beginning and close out of the project. 
  • Coordinate project baseline, midterm review and endline evaluation. Ensure proper selection of external evaluations and  provisions of technical guidance towards obtaining quality and high standard work.  
  • Facilitate data collection and analysis of the project data to ensure availability of accurate and quality data that informs projects  and allows it to make programming decisions and support a process of adaptive management and continual improvement.
  • Facilitate data collection and analysis of evidence that informs influencing and advocacy as aligned with the CARE TZ  Strategy, Vision 2030, MI framework, as well as other initiatives adopted by the CO. 
  • Participate in program design and major project reviews, making sure that new designs mainstream best practices and  learning and are aligned with CO MI framework. 
  • Support developing indicators and gathering evidence related to leveraging investments and integrating across projects.
  • Develop a MEAL culture and strengthen accountability to application of best practices/learnings. 
  • Participate in country, sub-regional and regional MEAL group meetings as scheduled.  
  • Conduct Internal team meeting weekly, monthly, quarterly, biannually to plan, share progress, experiences, best practices,  and challenges for improvements. 
  • Facilitate the development of Annual Work Plan and Budget for MEAL activities of the project.
  • Apply and promote CARE’s core values all the time, support Gender Equity and Diversity at workplace and of our partners  and the community at large to ensure maximum benefit and outcomes for the vulnerable women and children we serve.
  • Practice a behavior that is consistent with CARE’s core values and promotion of gender equity and diversity goals.
  • Play a leadership role in identifying and implementing initiatives that enhance CARE’s commitment to gender and diversity.
  • Review the existing gender analysis conducted and ensure the implementation of the project considers the gender analysis  conducted during the design of the project.  
  • Ensure that gender and the role of women is mapped, understood, and promoted by different actors including addressing  social norms.  
  • Assess the progress of the project towards Gender transformation, fill in the required tool including the gender marker tool  and document evidence.  
  • Be proactive in ensuring that CARE’s core values, code of conduct, and principles of gender equity and diversity (GED) are  upheld throughout area of responsibility and provide leadership to others. 
  • Play an active role in support of resource mobilization, with a focus on quality and MEAL related components in program  development and design. 
  • Perform any other duties as assigned by his/her supervisor. 


  • A minimum of bachelor’s degree in social sciences / development studies / information systems/ project management or any  other related field from a recognized University. 
  • A master’s degree will be an added advantage. 
  • Professional certificates on Project Management will be added advantage 


  • At least 7 years’ experience of MEAL including impact measurement, knowledge management, research, evidence generation  for policy, data analysis, cost benefit analysis, program quality and learning preferably in development organizations, and at  a range of levels for local (micro) to national (macro).  
  • 5 years’ experience in coordinating / managing complex programs working with government and civil society partners.
  • Minimum 5 years of expertise in one or some of the following areas: land rights, conflict and policy, sustainable natural  resource management, conservation, climate action, Civil society strengthening, and agriculture policy and livelihoods.
  • At least 5 years of relevant work experience in evidence-based advocacy, policy formulation, creating networks, supporting  social movements and representative civil society organizations. 
  • Extensive line management experience, with previous responsibility for staff, resources, and contracts.
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience of proven success in project cycle and adaptive management, including project designs, impact  measurement and project reporting.
  • Demonstrable achievements in delivering Governance and Gender transformation programming.
  • Experience in conducting research and analyzing data for advocacy and policy related initiatives, as well as formulating policy  recommendations. 


  • Ability to analyze and think critically, working constantly through iterative processes. 
  • Skills in qualitative and quantitative data collection, data management and analysis, including knowledge of computer software  (e.g., MS Word, Excel, Power Point, statistical package such as SPSS, STATA, etc.). 
  • Knowledge in developing and implementing M&E frameworks, plans and in using logical framework and outcome mapping  approaches.  
  • Demonstrated knowledge and experience in strategic planning and contextual analysis of relevant program areas.
  • Ability to establish and nurture a proactive learning culture within the team and strong capacity building, training and facilitation  skills.  
  • Ability to work and communicate with a range of stakeholders including policymakers and government officials, NGOs, the  media, community representatives. 
  • Strong ability to engage with communities and capability in being proactive to organize community outreach activities.
  • Strong portfolio of successfully representing the organization and negotiating with key senior powerholders and policy makers in government. 
  • Ensuring that gender and power dynamics related to monitoring and evaluation activities are taken into consideration.
  • Ability to thrive in team environments, with a strong understanding of diversity and other cultures
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills, with a fluent writing style and good knowledge and practical use of both  English and Kiswahili


Only a letter of application and updated CV including names of at least 3 reputable referees from previous jobs (preferable line  Managers) with reliable contacts should be sent by email to Human Resources Department by CoB, 25th June 2024 at 1700hrs. The applicants should clearly state the  Job title applied for in the subject line of the email. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. 

CARE is an equal opportunity employer promoting gender, equity and diversity. Female and people with disability candidates are  strongly encouraged to apply. Our selection process reflects our commitment to the protection of children and vulnerable adults  from abuse.


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