National Consultant Translator – English to Kiswahili Food and Agricultural Organization(FAO) Dar Es Salaam
21st November 2017

The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is seeking for suitably qualified and experienced consultant to undertake the following consultancy assignments under the FAD Programme in Tanzania

National Consultant Translator – English to Kiswahili

General Description of task(s) and objectives to be achieved:
The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, through the Malabo Declaration on agriculture and food and nutrition security of 2014, committed with respect to ending hunger in Africa by 2025 to halve current levels of Post-Harvest losses by 2025. To achieve this goal, and in recognition of serious challenges Tanzania is facing in postharvest losses (PHL) the Government of Tanzania requested the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAa) to support finalization of the National Post-Harvest Management Strategy (NPHMS) -2017-2027.

In response to the PHL reduction commitments, the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) in collaboration with Agricultural Non State-Actors Forum (ANSAF), ~ELVETAS Swiss Interco-operation (HSI), the FAa, the African Union Commission (AUC) and the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) are collaborating on the project: "Support to the African Union in the development of policies and strategies for country-specific plans to reduce post-harvest food losses': as part of the process to reduce PHL to achieve the Malabo and SDG 12.3 targets.

Grain postharvest losses occurs at several stages in the value chain and farmers do not consider it as significant loss. Providing farmers with improved postharvest management techniques is very important to reduce grain and increase their household income and food security. Reducing post-harvest losses (PHl) is a key pathway to food and nutrition security in the world. The objective of the assignment is to translate the English version of the NPHMS to Kiswahili version.

The NPHMS was developed to assist stakeholders along the Grains value chain to reduce Food losses taken at production, postharvest, processing, distribution and retail stages in the food supply chain. To better understand the strategy there is an urgent need for Kiswahili document so that different stakeholders have a better understanding of their interests and of the relevant provisions in food loss reduction strategy.

Key tasks 
Under the overall supervision of the FAO Representative in Tanzania and the Technical Advisor together with the Technical Working Group on PHL, the Consultant on the Malabo PHL reduction strategies will translate the documents from English to Kiswahili. S/he has to submit the draft version for review and comments, and that version has to be revised/modified following feedbacks from the PHM steering committee.

The translator will undertake the following duties and responsibilities.
A. Translate the NPHMS document from English to Kiswahili
B. Work closely with the National PHM steering committee to further understand their expectations and any uncaptured issues
C. Make written translation and submit translation in word processed documents;
D. Incorporate suggested changes to the translation; All texts, including texts-contained in figures, boxes, captions, sources and covers, requires-translation,and'proofreadiI1lQli
E. Ensure high quality and accuracy of the entire document before submitting to the officer in charge of the project;
F. Ensure that the translation is written in correct grammar, spelling and all the necessary punctuation and the structure of the document conforms to the English version.
G. Ensure accuracy of the terms and terminology used in the documents;


Key performance indicators (Expected Outputs):
A. The consultant has to submit the first draft of the document within 7 days from the date of signing the contract.
B. Incorporate any recommendation after the first draft has been reviewed.
C. Submitted an approved version of the electronic copy and two copies of the print version for technical clearance by FAO.

Required Competencies (Qualifications and experience):
Academic Qualifications of the national expert
At least Master's degree in Law, lnternational Relations and Linguistics


Technical competencies and Experience Requirements
At least 10 years of professional experience in working in Government organization in the field
• Excellent communication and writing skills and fluency in written and spoken English and Kiswahili
• Proven skills in translation and interpretation from and into English and vice versa in the fields postharvest management 
• Prior work experience with the FAO arid/or other UN agencies for similar assignments (with satisfactorily performance) shall be an advantage. 
• Ability to manage time and resources efficiently, monitoring progress and making adjustments as necessary to deliver work to set standards and deadlines
• Excellent computer skills.


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