National Project Coordinator International Labour Organization(ILO) Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
29th January 2019


Vacancy no.: DC/DAR/NO/2018/06
Publication date: 27 December 2018
Application deadline: 29 January 2019 (midnight local time-Dar es salaam, Tanzania)

Department: RO-Africa 
Organization Unit: CO-Dar es Salaam 
Location: Dar es Salaam   
Contract type: Fixed Term 

Contract duration: 1 Year 

Under article 4.2, paragraph (e) of the Staff Regulations, the filling of vacancies in technical cooperation projects does not fall under Annex I of the Staff Regulations and is made by direct selection by the Director-General.

In order to support the best informed process in the filling of the above-mentioned vacancy by direct selection, the ILO invites interested candidates to submit their application online by the above date.


The following are eligible to apply:

  • ILO Internal candidates in accordance with paragraphs 31 and 32 of Annex I of the Staff Regulations.
  • External candidates* 

*The recruitment process for National Officer positions is subject to specific local recruitment and eligibility criteria. The ILO may only offer a contract to persons who are Tanzanian.


Technical cooperation appointments are not expected to lead to a career in the ILO and they do not carry any expectation of renewal or conversion to any other type of appointment in the Organization. A one-year fixed-term contract will be given. Extensions of technical cooperation contracts are subject to various elements including the following: availability of funds, continuing need of the functions and satisfactory conduct and performance.


*Conditions of employment for external candidates: In conformity with existing ILO practice, the appointment of an external candidate will normally be made at the first step of this grade. The entry level salary for this position is 100,312,000 (Tanzanian Shilings) yearly.



The United Nations Development Assistance Plan 2016 - 2021 (UNDAP II) is an agreement between the United Nations agencies and the Government of Tanzania under which the UN undertakes to support the United Republic of Tanzania towards attaining the priorities of the government as articulated in the Government of Tanzania’s second Five Year Development Plan 2016-2021 (FYDP II) and the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar’s MKUZA Successor Strategy 2016-2021, which commenced implementation on 1 July 2016. In alignment with the national visions (the Tanzania Development Vision 2025 and Zanzibar Vision 2020) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the FYDP II and MKUZA Successor Strategy prioritize inclusive economic growth whilst promoting social well-being and good governance for all citizens.

This development cooperation project, designed to implement the ILO’s Decent Work Agenda as articulated in its Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) through the Democratic Governance, Human Rights and Gender Equality Outcome Group of the UNDAP II, focuses on three key strategies towards improved governance and tripartism. These are supporting the Government of Tanzania and the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar in strengthening capacities of the labour inspectorates to enforce compliance; improving access to justice by strengthening the institutions of labour disputes resolution to better serve workers and employers through mediation and arbitration of disputes; and enhancing capacities of workers’ and employers’ organizations in collective bargaining and voluntary compliance for better working life. The overall objective is to support the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, the social partners and labour institutions : 1) to improve workplace compliance and their improved implementation through strengthened national capacity of labour administration institutions and 2) to strengthen institutions and mechanisms for tripartite social dialogue, industrial relations and collective bargaining with a view to fostering the involvement of governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations in addressing gender equality, non-discrimination and enhancing workplace compliance

Reporting lines

The National Programme Coordinator will report to the Director, ILO Country Office Dar es Salaam, and his/ her reports will feed into the Democratic Governance, Human Rights and Gender Equality team/ group of the UNDAP II


Description of Duties

  • Implementation of programme strategies on deepening democratic governance, human rights and gender equality
  • Management of the project and activities
  • Creation of strategic partnerships and implementation of the resource mobilization strategy 
  • Provision of top quality advisory services to the Government, social partners and project stakeholders and  facilitation of knowledge building and management

    Ensures implementation of  programme strategies on deepening democratic governance, human rights and gender equality in Tanzania, focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Through Labour Inspection national governance is more effective, transparent, accountable and inclusive 
  • Government and human rights institutions have enhanced capacity to meet international human rights reporting requirements and implementation of UPR, treaty body and special procedures recommendations
  • Social partners have enhanced capacity on collective bargaining and negotiation skills to improve voluntary compliance

    Provides strategic direction and leadership in the programme area of Governance and human rights, gender equality:

  • Provides an overall strategic vision for Democratic Governance, Human Rights and Gender Equality the overarching objective of the ILO/ UN;
  • Leads formulation efforts to ensure a programme which is relevant, in line with UNDAP, DWCP practice areas, and national development frameworks.
  • Devises strategies for increased programme delivery and quality programming;
  • Ensures the promotion and application of the drivers of development effectiveness (promotes national ownership through social dialogue and the development of national capacities; fosters policies and partnerships and promotes gender equality) for enhanced programmatic results,
  • Ensures that the programme/ project adheres to the Human Rights Based approach;
  • Assesses the impact and effectiveness of the programme in Democratic governance, human rights and gender equality;
  • Promotes coordination among the various components of programme cluster and with the other UNDAP programmes 

Required qualifications


  • First / Bachelor Degree in political science, law, development studies or a related social science discipline. 


  • At least 3 years of work experience in a governance and capacity development related field.
  • Experience with Government, ILO/UN, NGOs, or other development organizations is a definite asset.


Excellent command of English and Swahili




  • Good knowledge of ILO and UN rules and regulations, policies, procedures and practices 
  • Good knowledge of programme and budget, project formulation, administration and evaluation techniques and practices.
  • Good knowledge of the role and operations of ILO/ DWCP and UNDAP system activities  
  • Excellent drafting skills. Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Excellent analytical skills. Ability to justify requirements and approaches to problem resolution, and ability to negotiate.
  • Good computer applications skills. Good organizational skills. Ability to work on own initiative as well as a member of a team.
  • Demonstrates commitment to ILO/ UNDAP’s mission, vision and values.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and adaptability

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