Pilot In Command ATR 42/72 Precision Air Services Plc Dar es Salaam
25th February 2018

Precision Air Services Plc is a fast growing private Tanzanian airline which operates in partnership with Kenya Airways, with its strategies to expand wings beyond East Africa and Africa.

In order to keep our services at a higher level and meet our customers' maximum satisfaction, wish to invite applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill in this challenging position

Reports to: Fleet Captain

Role purpose statement

To plan, supervise and execute companies flight in accordance with legal and company policies and procedures for safe, efficient and economic conduct of flights

Duties and responsibilities

  • It is the responsibility of the PIC to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the aircraft in all stages of ground and flight operations. plan, and supervise the execution of company flight in accordance with legal and company policies and procedures, authorize checklist and to ensure safe, efficient and economical operation
  • The PIC will coordinate the flight opera preparation according to the directives and procedures in this manual and the other relevant manuals and ascertains that all aspects are covered
  • The PIC will ensure that the checklist and standard operating procedures are adhered to and thoroughly carried out
  • It is the company policy in order to check the adequacy and ability of each aircraft commander to operate the aircraft efficiently and safely during the mandatory competency check and or at any other time that may be decided by the Chief Pilot.
  • Be responsible for the operation and safety of the aircraft from the moment the aircraft is ready to move for the purpose of taking off until the moment it finally comes to rest at the end of the flight and the engines are shutdown. The PIC must ensure that.
  • The prescribed instruments, radios, life jackets first aid kits and all necessary equipment are installed and serviceable.
  • The aircraft is serviceable, and that the current certificate of maintenance/ release is enforced and that the previously reported defects have been notified in the technical log as rectified or transferred to the defect log
  • The aircraft has been correctly loaded and that the lord in balance sheet has been accurately completed in duplicate
  • That sufficient fuel and oil is carried for the flight including reserve specified by the company
  • That the performance of the aircraft is adequate for prevailing conditions
  • The route information, radio facilities, alternate airfields, danger and prohibited areas and any other route information are available
  • Data meteorological forecast has been obtained to cover the route destination and alternate
  • The PICAs a senior member is expected at all times and in all circumstances to behave correctly. He has to set a high standard of behavior, as he is responsible for the discipline and appearance of his flight crew and cabin crew at all times both in the air and on the ground.
  • Be responsible for the safety of all crew members, passengers and cargo on board when the doors are closed.
  • Have authority to give all commands he deems necessary for the purpose of securing the safety of aircraft and of persons or property carried therein, and all persons carried in the aircraft shall obey such commands. the PIC any action deemed necessary to ensure the safety of the flight; if these actions divert from prescribed procedures he will do so in consultation with the other crew members and submit a report about his actions to the applicable Fleet Manager.
  • Have authority to disembark any person, or any part of the cargo, which in his opinion, may represent a potential hazard to the safety of the aircraft or its occupants.
  • Not allowed persons to be carried in the aircraft who appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs to the extent that the safety of the aircraft or its occupants is likely to be endangered.
  • Have the right to refuse transportation of inadmissible passengers, deportees or persons in custody if they are courage poses any risk to the safety of the aircraft or its occupants.
  • Ensure that any passengers are briefed on the location of emergency exits and the location and use of relevant safety and emergency equipment.
  • At the aircraft, performance will enable it to complete safely the proposed flight.
  • Not permit any crew members performing activity during takeoff, initial climb,  final approach and landing except those duties required for the safe operation of the aircraft

Minimum Qualifications

  • In possession of Airline Transport Pilot License with a maximum of 5000 total flying hours of which 1500 as PIC and 500 as PIC on 16 tons and above.
  • Operational background - at least 5 years’ experience in commercial air transport.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • License qualification and decency as per GOM and TCAA requirement
  • CRM trained

Mode of application

If you feel you made the above requirements please send your application and cv to the address below.  only shortlisted applicants will be contacted


Head of Human Resources and Administration

Precision Air Services Plc

Mail BOx 70770

Dar es Salaam


Email: ogoodluck@precisionairtz.com or pwrecruit@precisionairtz.com



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