Project Manager Nature, Climate and Value Chain Development CARE International Iringa, Tanzania
25th June 2024


CARE is a leading humanitarian organization dedicated to fighting poverty and social injustice with a special emphasis on  women and girls. CARE Tanzania is part of CARE International, with the vision to seek a world of hope, tolerance, and social  justice, where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security. CARE International is a global force and a  partner of choice within a worldwide movement dedicated to ending poverty. We are known everywhere for our unshakable  commitment to the dignity of people. CARE Tanzania and partners contribute to the empowerment of the most marginalized  and vulnerable rural women and girls to exercise their rights. 


Her Resilience, Our Planet project funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) aims to increase the socio-economic empowerment  of women and female youth in gender responsive and ecosystem-sensitive agricultural sectors in five districts of two SAGCOT’s  geographic priority clusters: Ihemi cluster (Iringa, Kilolo, Mufindi and Wanging’ombe districts) and Mbarali cluster (Mbarali  district). 

The 6-year Her Resilience, Our Planet (HROP) project will enhance the adoption of gender-responsive Climate-Smart  Agriculture systems, biodiversity protective food systems for nature, and positive climate change adaptation by food insecure communities, especially women and youth. The project strives to increase the utilization of gender-responsive, Climate-Smart,  and nature-positive agricultural business development resources and services by food insecure communities and enhance  leadership and participation of women and female youth in the processes leading to gender-responsive, climate and nature informed policies, strategies, plans, and budgets in SAGCOT area. 

The project will be implemented by a consortium of six organizations: CARE, WWF and four local implementing partners:  SAGCOT Centre Ltd (SCL), Tanzania Gender Networking Program (TGNP), Shahidi Wa Maji (SwM) and Conservation Farming  Unit Tanzania (CFU-Tanzania) offering decades of experience in women’s leadership, climate change adaptation and  ecosystem conservation. This project will also harness learning from 15 years of joint programming by the CARE-WWF Alliance. 

CARE Tanzania seeks to recruit dynamic qualified Tanzanians to fill five (9) positions for the anticipated Her Resilience, Our  Planet project funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) based in Iringa. 

POSITION TITLE: Project Manager Nature, Climate and Value Chain Development 

REPORTS TO: Senior Project Manager 



The Project Manager Nature, Climate Change and Value Chain Development will work to coordinate achievement of agriculture  component and Climate Change which depends on the development of effective and efficient value chains and equitable access  to productive resources (finances, inputs and outputs markets). The position will be responsible to stimulate investments in  agricultural value chains opportunities and provide operational support to achievement of restoration of Mbarali and Ihemi Clusters  by improving climate resilience livelihoods within the cluster. S/he will facilitate the marketing systems development and  strengthening linkages amongst the various value chain actors including small holder producers, agro-input suppliers, processors,  business development service providers and off-takers. In collaboration with a diverse team of project consortium members  including WWF, SAGCOT, CFU, TGNP, SWM and local government authorities, the position will strengthen the marketing and  business development skills of smallholder farmers to enhance product quality and increase their competitiveness for market  negotiations to secure better prices through their effective engagement in Farmer Field and Business Schools. Increase the  capacities of farmers especially women and youth on climate change and adaptation, promote the use of climate information for  agriculture planning processes and adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture to promote ecosystem restoration while increasing food  security. With the engagement with TMA the position will support the facilitation of Participatory Scenario Planning for decision making by women and female youth and formation of Farmer Field and Business School.

The Project Manager Nature, Climate Change and Value Chain Development plays a significant role in maintaining strong  coordination among value chain actors, district authorities, private sector companies, traders, input dealers, local CSO’s and farmer  groups who will be part of Farmer Field and Business Schools. S/he will contribute into project goal of improving livelihoods of  small-scale farmers especially women and youth by promoting and influencing the adoption of gender responsive climate smart  agriculture and nature positive agriculture to promote food security and restoration pf Great Ruaha River.  

The position will report to Senior Project Manager, based in Iringa, and will receive technical input and support from CFU, WWF,  SWM, SAGCOT while expected to maintain effective working relationships with other Consortium Members, S/he will maintain  relationship with the Vice President Office, Ministry of Agriculture, and other relevant Ministries. 


  • Make use of existing Farmer Field and Business Schools (FFBS) and/or mobilize new ones and recruit them as entry points  for implementation of gender responsive Climate Smart and nature positive agriculture. 
  • Facilitate selection of lead farmers/paraprofessionals and capacitate them on gender responsive climate smart agriculture  practices. 
  • Collaborate with project team to promote integration of the functions of FFBS and VSLA as a holistic approach to ensure that  Agri-fund is available through collective or individual investment to access agriculture inputs and labor-saving technologies. 
  • Support Lead farmers in cascading Climate Smart Agriculture training to FFBS/VSLAs with close quality monitoring.
  • Facilitate innovation, adoption and uptake of gender responsive climate smart agriculture technologies that enhance  productivity and value of products. 
  • Identify and assess climate change adaptation practices and align them with pro poor market development planning in the  relevant value chain sub-sector and build strong relationship with Tanzania Meteorological Authority (TMA for accessing  regular climate information.  
  • Work closely with Tanzania Official Seed Certification Institute (TOSCI) to support champion farmers especially women and  youth to produce Quality Declared Seed (QDS) 
  • Collaborate with CFU to build capacities of Village/Ward/District DRR on Climate Change and risk mitigation.
  • Work with partners to promote implementation of Participatory Scenario Planning and promote the use of M-Kilimo by farmers.
  • Promote youth entrepreneurs to become village-based inputs suppliers to enhance smooth access to agriculture inputs. 
  • Working with WWF and SACGOT to promote investment in nature positive enterprises resilient to climate change.
  • Facilitate farmers especially women and youth to attend national and international agriculture trade fair for learning, sharing  Agriculture experiences and connections.  
  • Promote development of home gardening for nutrition purposes. Collaborate with WWF and other partners to conduct gender  sensitive market analysis to inform market engagement activities including home gardening.  
  • Engage with Business Development Service providers to train women and youth in business planning, value additions and  product diversification. 
  • Identify and link farmers with potential buyers including external markets. 
  • Facilitate prioritization of cluster level specific ecologically sound and market led value chains development which will  contribute to ecosystem restoration efforts by the community in accordance with the value chain analysis’s survey findings. 
  • Facilitate cluster level stakeholders’ forums to address value chain constraints and maximize market development  opportunities across the sub-sector nodes. 
  • Train, coach and mentor local market facilitators including Lead Farmers and Community Based Trainers (CBTs) to pursue  effective market linkages between women and youth and private sector input suppliers in alignment with collective investment  thinking and digital app marketplace development. 
  • Strengthen marketing and business development skills of smallholder farmers to improve product quality and be able to better  manage interactions with output market dealers. 
  • Support building capacity of other value chain actors through training, mentorship and networking based on the needs and  demands of the project. 
  • Engage relevant and key value chain actors within the project priority subsector (producers, input suppliers, transporters,  processors, consumers etc.) to succeed on their respective value chain nodes. 
  • Contribute to development of a charter and guidelines for gender-responsive nature positive practices in alignment with  Inclusive Green Growth (IGG) in collaboration with SAGCOT.  
  • Advocate and influence business development service providers to adopt the application of gender-responsive nature positive  practices charter. 
  • Innovatively collaborate with partners, allies, LGAs and like-minded stakeholders to influence policy and achieve multiplied impact in market and value chain development. 
  • Collaborate with project team and WWF to contribute to development of nature positive enterprises market strategy.
  • Strengthen relations with government decision makers, and with other relevant national agencies and stakeholders.
  • Maintain working relations with relevant government line ministries and private sector / research institutions to coordinate the adoption and uptake of evergreen innovations and/or approaches in agriculture development, Climate resilient agriculture and  nature positive.  
  • Facilitate linkages with financial services, manufacturers, technology suppliers and other service providers aiming to improve  productivity and value addition.  
  • Contribute to the project’s M&E functions, quarterly and annual reporting by highlighting successes, challenges, lessons  learned and opportunities in Climate Smart Agriculture and Value chain programming within the respective project’s area.
  • Represent the project in various assigned learning and sharing meetings/workshops/conferences.
  • Support activities relevant to her/his position implemented by all other consortium partners as per project plan.
  • Work with others to support CARE’s Mission.  
  • Perform any other duties as assigned by his/her supervisor.


  • Master’s degree in agriculture, Agronomy, agribusiness, Conservation ecology and management, Climate Change, or any  other related fields from a recognized University 


  • Minimum 7 years’ experience in Value Chain development programming with climate change component.
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience or multiple years of expertise in one or some of the following areas: Policy lobbying and  influencing, ecosystem conservation, climate action, pastoralism and agriculture policy and livelihoods.
  • Intensive skills and experience in Climate Smart Agriculture programming 
  • Demonstrable achievements in delivering Governance and Gender transformation programming.
  • Strong experience working with government institutions and other civil society partners, including international  organizations. 


  • Demonstrated strategic planning skills, Project and Financial management, and organizational skills.
  • Excellent report-writing and communication skills 
  • High levels of innovation, conceptual and analytical ability, or creativity 
  • Computer skills in Microsoft Suite, specifically with Word, Excel and PowerPoint  
  • Firm belief in teamwork, gender equality, natural resources or environmental and participatory approach and sustainable  development.  
  • Strong capacity building / community empowerment skills 
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Evidence and Learning skills with experience in monitoring and measuring impact.


Only a letter of application and updated CV including names of at least 3 reputable referees from previous jobs (preferable line  Managers) with reliable contacts should be sent by email to Human Resources Department by CoB, 25th June 2024 at 1700hrs. The applicants should clearly state the  Job title applied for in the subject line of the email. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. 

CARE is an equal opportunity employer promoting gender, equity and diversity. Female and people with disability candidates are  strongly encouraged to apply. Our selection process reflects our commitment to the protection of children and vulnerable adults  from abuse.


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