SBCC Program Officer Asasi ya Uwezeshaji Tanzania (ASUTA) Tanzania
27th September 2023


Asasi ya Uwezeshaji Tanzania – ASUTA working in partnership with JHPIEGO) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) which is dedicated to conduct the USAID Afya Yangu Reproductive           Maternal Newborn- Child and Adolescent Health (Afya Yangu- RMNCAH) a five-year project (2022-2027) aimed to increase the demand for and use of quality integrated RMNCAH services in the target regions, particularly by women and youth. The project is implemented in 11 regions of Tanzania’ mainland and Zanzibar.



Job Title:  SBCC Program Officer – Tanganyika District, Katavi Region

Full Time

Minimum Qualification Bachelor

Years of Experience 2 years

As a Social Behavior Change Communication Officer, the Employee is required to perform the following duties and undertake the following responsibilities in a professional manner.

1.     Participate in the 3-days training on parenting and caregiving package so they can cascade the training to CHW/Vs who will be conducting IPC sessions in the community levels, conducting the pre and post – test and create a mechanism of capacity building after the training.

2.     Ensuring the distribution of SBC materials at the community and health facilities within the respective council through supportive supervisions, monthly meeting, leverage and all program activities and record the deliverables for further documentations.

3.      Conduct 3 days training to 12 CHWs & 3 CHW Supervisors on parenting and care giving package in Tanganyika DC

4.     Conducting close communication with CHWs who conduct community level SBC activities (House Holds visit & small group discussion dialogues) targeting pregnant women, parents & caretakers of under-five and their partners to influence positive health seeking behaviors to follow up the execution of deliverable as per the IR expected.

5.     Conduct 1 day advocacy meetings with key ward stakeholders (Ward Councilors, WEOs, VEOs, Religious Leaders, Village chairmen, Hamlet chairpersons & CHWs) around selected poor performing HFs in Tanganyika DC.

6.     Conduct 5 days monthly integrated supportive supervison with CHMTs to CHWs, GMs & YHC implementing integrated RMNCAH community level activities across Tanganyika DC. (Integrated with ASRH)

7.     Conduct 5 days quarterly integrated supportive supervision with RHMTs to CHWs, GMs & YHCs implementing integrated RMNCAH community level activities, across Tanganyika DC. (Integrated with ASRH)

8.     Submitting SBCC narrative program report, monthly to program coordinator before the end of the specified month.

9.     Conducting closely communication and support CHWs to conduct sessions (As per the indicated given targets) on gender transformative topics and GBV prevention to primary beneficiaries of G &RC program using community couple gender dialogue approach in Tanganyika DC.

10.  To conduct 1 day Community Scorecard meetings in villages with poor-performing RMNCAH indicators.conducting all related RMNCAH provided by the program manager as per the needs arise.

11.  Conduct bi-annual data quality assessment and data management mentorship to Tanganyika DC to strengthen their capacity on data documentation, monitoring and reporting of community-based intervention DC to strengthen their capacity on data documentation, monitoring and reporting of community-based intervention

12.  Collect M&E tools from CHWs (and any other team issued within SBCC department by USAID RMNCAH Afya yangu project) and submit them to MEL program officer for further review and progress.

13.  Conducting all related RMNCAH provided by the program manager as per the needs arise.


Interested candidates, who meet the above requirements, should send a CV, passport-size photo, and cover letter (only) indicating the position applied. Through our email address  The closing date for applications is 27th September 2023. Each application should include at least three referees Telephone contacts must be submitted with the application. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.


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