Social and Environmental Officer Rural Energy Agency(REA) Tanzania
20th July 2018


The Government of Tanzania has received funds from the World Bank for implementation of Tanzania Rural Electrification Expansion Program (TREEP) – PforR to be implemented by the Rural Energy Agency. As part of the Financing Agreement; Environmental, Social and Gender Mainstreaming issues must be addressed during implementation of the program. In order to strengthen the capacity of the Agency in dealing with these cross-cutting issues, REA now invites individuals to apply for the following posts with an objective of providing expertise and technical support on meeting the environmental, social and gender commitments outlined under the TREEP – PforR from a base within REA. The Experts will be expected to work from an office within REA and to function as a part of the REA team.

Position: Social and Environmental Officer

Department: Market Development and Technologies

Reports To: Market Development and Technologies Manager

Basic Function

Under the supervision of the Market Development and Technologies Section, to provide specialist advice, technical assistance, education, and training to renewable energy project developers in social and environmental issues and to ensure that projects implemented by the Agency are socially and environmentally sound.

Major Activities of the Position

  1. Assist renewable project developers in carrying out social and environmental studies for their projects and see to it that operations are executed adequately to meet Agency and Donors safeguard and legal requirements;
  2. Assist in developing environmental and social policy, guidelines and programmes of the Agency^ undertakings in collaboration with the relevant stakeholders;
  3. Follow up and review environmental, social and auditing studies carried out on behalf of the Agency by external consultants;
  4. Provide technical and professional support in the implementation of environmental and social mitigation measures and administer environmental and social monitoring of energy projects implemented or supported by the Agency;
  5. Perform other duties as may be assigned by superior/supervisor.

Duration of the Assignment

The duration of the contract will be one (1) year, with possible extension upon satisfactory performance.

Minimum Qualification Requirements

  1. Degree in Sociology; Environmental Sciences/Management; Environmental Engineering; Land Management and Valuation; or closely related field,
  2. Related postgraduate education and training in environmental and social impact assessment, resettlement management, implementation and monitoring of mitigation measures and knowledge of the World Bank environmental and social safeguard policies will be an added advantage.
  3. Minimum of five (5) years experience in related field with exposure to energy projects is essential.
  4. Must be registered with NEMC as an Environmental Expert,
  5. Computer literacy is mandatory.


Salary and other fringe benefits to be agreed upon will be paid by the program.


Mode of Application

Applications Indicating three (3) referees attached with CVs and relevant copies of certificates must reach the following address not later than 20th July 2018.

Director General,

Rural Energy Agency,

Mawasiliano Towers, 2nd Floor, – Sam Nujoma Road,

P.O.Box 7990,



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